PO RMS Accountant Result 2021 Maharashtra Circle

PO RMS Accountant Result 2021 Maharashtra Circle

Maharashtra Postal Circle issued Result of PO RMS Accountant Exam held on 31.10.2021 as under

Declaration of result of PO & RMS Accountant Examination held on 31.10.2021

Ref: Notification No.Rectt/2-19/PO & RMS Acct Exam/2021 dated 20.07.2021

The Competent Authority is pleased to announce the result of PO & RMS Account Examination held on 31.10.2021 as under

Annexure I : The list of candidates qualified in the examination

Annexure II: The list of candidates eligible for exemption

Annexure III: Marks obtained by each candidate appeared for the examination


2. The qualification and exemption for candidate in Annexure I & Annexure II are subject to fulfilment of conditions mentioned in Notification of examination and relevant rules and conditions amended time to time

3. The Qualifying standard of this examination is as under:

Category OC: Paper 1 (100 Marks): 45% Paper II (100 Marks): 45% Aggregate : 50%

Category SC/ST: Paper 1 (100 Marks): 38% Paper II (100 Marks): 38% Aggregate : 43%

4. Candidates failed in the examination but got minimum 60% marks in any paper are eligible for exemption for that paper for next two subsequent examinations.

5. Appointments of the candidates qualified in the examination are to be made as per seniority in PA/SA cadre in the Division and other clauses mentioned in the Notification.

Download PO and RMS Accountant Exam Results in PDF



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