LSG/HSG II/HSG I Officiating Pay and allowances claim format and conditions to claim officiating pay and allowances
Reference: Postal Directorate letter No. 137-64/2010-SPB.II dated at Dak Bhawan the 28th July 2011
Condition 1: If an official looking after the duties of LSG/HSG II/ HSG I after completing requisite service condition, (Required service condition to LSG cadre is 5 years PA service, to HSG II cadre 6 years LSG service, to HSG I cadre 5 years HSG II service) those officials may claim officiating pay under FR 22.
Condition 2: If an official looking after the duties of LSG/HSG II/ HSG I without completing requisite service condition, (Required service condition to LSG cadre is 5 years PA service, to HSG II cadre 6 years LSG service, to HSG I cadre 5 years HSG II service) those officials may claim officiating pay under FR 35.
Condition 3: Posts upgraded by Group C cadre restructure, must have been occupied/posted by regular official at least a day. Or else officiating pay and allowances according to the status prior to Group C cadre restructure may be claimed.
For example: After Gr ‘C’ cadre restructure, ‘B’ class and ‘C’ class SPM posts have been upgraded as LSG status, in that upgraded LSG post, if an regular LSG official had already been posted/occupied then only that post would have been treated as LSG status, and Postal Assistants officiating in that LSG posts may claim officiating pay under FR 35 if 5 years of service not completed. If 5 years completed means they may claim officiating pay and allowances under FR 22. This scenario will be applicable to officials officiating in HSG II, HSG I posts also.
For more details please refer Postal Directorate letter No. 137-64/2010-SPB.II dated at Dak Bhawan the 28th July 2011
Format :
Sub Postmaster,
Xxxxxxx PIN xxxxx.
Xxxxx Division,
Sub : Request for fixation of my pay under FR 22(1)(a)(i) for officiating LSG Post.
I have completed ___of years of service in time scale PA( Level-4) cadre. With effect from 15/04/2017, the time scale SPM post of _____ has been upgraded to LSG (Level-5) under Cadre Restructuring implementation. I have been allowed to continue to officiate in the upgraded LSG post since 15/04/2017. For this officiating arrangement, I am fulfilling the eligibility conditions of “Postal Assistants working in pay band I of Rs.5200-20200 + Grade pay of Rs.2400/- with five years of regular service in the grades” as enshrined in the LSG Recruitment rules 2011 and presently substituted as “Level-4” as amended in 2017 .
Clause FR 22 (1) (a) (i) of Fundamental Rules Vol I clearly meant for the fixation of pay involving assumption of higher duties and responsibilities and such appointment may be in the normal channel of promotion or otherwise provided the appointment or promotion is made in fulfillment of the eligibility condition as prescribed in the recruitment rules..
Thus I become eligible for officiating pay right from 15/04/2017 in Level-5
I humbly request the competent authority to direct the DDO to act in accordance with FR 22(1)(a)(i) to fix my pay under the above provisions and render justice early.
Place: Thanking you sir,
Yours faithfully,
Copy to :
1. The Postmaster, xxxxxxxxxxxx HO for necessary action please
2. The Postmaster General, xxxxxx Region Nagpur ......... with a prayer to renderearly justice. `
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