CBS-CTS Integration Cheque Clearing Centralization | FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

CBS-CTS Integration
Cheque Clearing Centralisation

Inward Clearing
1. What is the new url to be used for Inward clearing post CBS-CTS Integration?
2. What is the new url to be used for Outward clearing post CBS-CTS Integration?
3. Whether new url link is available in OLD CTS URL
New CTS url Link is provided in OLD CTS URL
4. Whether the CTS url will be accessible in broadband or SIFY
New CTS url will be available ONLY in SIFY network
5. What will be user ID for logging in new CTS URL?
  • Two IDs will be available for each HO.
  • Maker ID will be M(Sol id)
  • Checker ID will be C(Sol id)
6. What will be the default password new url?
Inward - Admin@12345
Outward - 123456
7. Whether the Inward cheques can be lodged in Finacle
No. All Inward cheques will be lodged from Nodal Grid Office Chennai GPO. HOs should not lodge inward cheques in Finacle.
8. Whether Chennai GPO will lodge Inward cheques for all 3 Grids?
Yes. Chennai GPO will lodge inward cheques in finacle for all 3 grids.
Cheques which cannot be cleared at Nodal Office due to various reasons detailed below are moved to concerned MICR as REFER TO BRANCH (RTB) for action at their end. Concerned HO should act on these RTB cheques within the cut off time.
10. What the scenarios for which Inward cheques will be REFER TO BRANCH automatically?
Cheques will be automatically REFER to branch in the following scenarios
a. Invalid Account Number
b. Non CBS account
c. Cheque Not linked to account
d. Cheques which are PASSED
11. What the scenarios for which Inward cheques will be REFER TO BRANCH from Nodal Office during Manual Sign Verification process
Cheques will be REFER to branch in the following scenarios from Nodal office
a. Non availability of signatures - Automated
b. Cheques image not clear or Not available – from Nodal Office
c. Amount in Regional Language - From Nodal office
12. What is the role of HOs in Inward clearing
On daily basis HOs shall login to CTS application to check whether any cheques are REFER to branch either through automated process or from Nodal office. Cheques which are REFER

TO BRANCH will be available in Account Entry and Manual sign verification. PO to modify account number or link cheque to account and save.
13. Whether NON CBS cheques will be handled in CTS clearing?
Yes. Non CBS cheques will be received in CTS clearing and will be REFER TO BRANCH automatically.
14. Whether Acceptance/Rejection remarks of NON CBS cheques to be updated in CTS application
  • Yes. Non CBS accounts will be available in Account Entry of concerned MICR.
  • Accept/Rejection remark along with rejection reason to be updated in CTS application before cut off time.
15. Whether HOs need to lodge Inward cheques in Finacle?
No. HOs need to act only on RTB cheques in CTS application. Inward and Outward zone need not be opened in Finacle.
16. What is the cut off time for marking RTB cheques by HOs?
Cut off time fixed for marking RTB is 1200 hrs
17. What will happen if the HO has not attended to RTB cheques within the cut off time?
Those cheques which are lying unattended in HO till cut off time will get rejected with reason 84- Connectivity Failure.


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