Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
Mail Business Development & Operations Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
No 8-1/2008-D
Dated: .05.2012
Subject: Booking of Electronic Items by Speed Post and Transportation by Air
Attention is invited to the Directorate memo no. 43-3/89-D dated 19.02.1992 regarding revised procedure for processing of Speed Post articles weighing more than 200 grams; vide which electronic items, among other things, were prohibited for booking by Speed Post and for transmission by air
2. The matter relating to booking of electronic items through Speed Post and transportation thereof by air has been reviewed, and in supersession of the memo under reference above, the following instructions are issued in this regard:
(i) Booking of electronic items through Speed Post and their transportation by air would now be permitted. However, this facility would only be available for corporate customers availing BNPL facility. Further, in view of safety requirements associated with handling and transmission of electronic items, booking of electronic items through Speed Post will only be done at exclusive Speed Post BNPL centres. This would not be permitted at post offices accepting/booking Speed Post articles under BNPL scheme
(iii) Booking of electronic items and their transportation by air would be carried out in accordance with the guidelines issued by International Air Transport Association (IATA) with respect to transportation of Lithium metal and Lithium ion batteries as also in accordance with guidelines issued by Universal Postal Union (UPU) in respect of procedure for handling of dangerous goods for international mail items Copies of the "Guidance Document" issued by IATA for "Transport of Lithium Metal and Lithium Ion Batteries" as well as guidelines issued by UPU for "Dangerous Goods Procedure for International Mail Items are enclosed. All corporate customers using Speed Post for sending electronic items must be made aware of the safety instructions mentioned in these documents and requested to strictly adhere to them.
(iii) The items prohibited as per IATA regulations will not be booked through post offices and other booking offices nor will they be transported by air, which include:
(a) Explosives
(b) Compressed, liquified gas
(c) Flammable liquids
(d) Flammable solids and substances
(e) Oxidizing substances
(f) Toxic and infectious substances
(g) Radioactive material
(h) Corrosives
(i) Miscellaneous dangerous goods (including magnetic material)
(iv) Items prohibited for transmission through post mentioned in Post Office Guide Part 1 Indian Post Office Act, 1898, and Indian Post Office Rules 1933 will not be booked through post offices and other booking offices
(v) If an electronic item to be booked through Speed Post contains lithium batteries, the process for handling of such items in accordance with reference documents mentioned in para (1) above should be strictly followed
(vi) At the time of booking of electronic items through Speed Post, a declaration should invariably be obtained from the customer and kept safely at the booking office. The format for such declaration is enclosed.
(vii) BNPL Centres accepting/booking electronic items should consign such articles in a separate bag and should not mix them with other articles in a bag. This is to ensure that other articles are not detained along with electronic items at the stage of security check at the airport.
(viii) In case of such articles containing electronic items being returned to sender under a business package offered to a corporate customer also, the points of acceptance/booking may be restricted to the BNPL centres/a few booking centres as decided by the circle concerned where all precautions relating to handling of electronic items can be taken. In return also, these articles should be sent in separate bags.
3. Circles may bring these guidelines to the notice of all concerned and take all necessary precautions with respect to booking of electronic items through Speed Post and their transportation by air.
Encl: As above
Director (Mail Management)
All Heads of Circles
Copy for information:
2. Additional DG, APS Directorate, New Delhi-66
3. Director, Rafi Ahmad Kidwal National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad
4. All PMGS
5. All Postal Training Centres
6. OSD to Secretary (Posts)

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