Post Attached Quarters of Postmasters (क्वार्टर कार्यालय में कार्यरत कर्मचारियों को HRA संबंधित बड़ी राहत) - Directorate Order dated 22.07.2022

Order regarding Post Attached quarter of Postmasters in Post Offices dated 22.07.2022 and shall in to force with effect from 01st August 2022(01/08/2022)

No. BDG-20/8/2021-Building-DoP
Government of India 
Department of Posts
Estates Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110001
Dated: 18.07.2022
All Chief Postmasters General

Subject: Post attached quarter of Postmasters-reg.

Post attached quarters of Postmasters are allotted to the Postmaster concerned on rent free basis. A number of representations from time to time are received in Directorate with a request to delink the post attached quarter of Postmasters from the Postmaster concerned.

2. The matter has since been reviewed and the competent authority has now decided that post attached quarters of Postmasters shall be delinked from the Postmaster concerned. These post attached quarters of Postmasters shall be now at par with other staff quarters available in a Division/Unit and will be treated as such for allotment to eligible employee on payment of applicable licence fee.

3. These quarters shall be allotted in the same manner as other staff quarters are allotted by the Divisional Head Competent Authority to any employee entitled for this quarter as per the availability. The allotment of this quarter shall be regulated as per the instructions on the subject of allotment of staff quarters issued from time to time subject to the following:

(a) The delinked post attached quarter of Postmaster shall be first offered to the Postmaster concerned, if vacant, on the payment of licence fee basis. In the event of the refusal of the Postmaster concerned to accept this quarter, the same shall then be allotted to any other eligible official of the Division/Unit by the competent authority as per the prescribed procedure. In case eligible officials have not applied for the said quarter, the same may be allotted to other employees as it is being done in case of other quarters.

(b) If the Postmaster concerned fails to submit his/her response on the offer of the post attached quarter of Postmaster within 15 days of receipt of such an offer, the Postmaster concerned shall be deemed to have refused the offer of this Postmasters who are currently in occupation of post attached quarter without payment of licence fee, they are allowed to continue to occupy the same quarter without payment of licence fee till his/her posting as Postmaster in that post office.

4.These orders will come into force from 01.08.2022.

In all cases where currently Postmaster concerned is not physically occupying post attached quarter of the Postmaster and is neither paying rent for the same nor he/she is being paid House Rent Allowance (HRA) and if he/she desires to vacate such a quarter, he/she shall submit an application to the Divisional Head / Competent Authority for vacation of such a quarter. The Postmaster concerned shall be paid HRA from the date of acceptance of his/her application by the Divisional Head / Competent Authority or from August 1, 2022, which ever is the later.

6. These instructions be circulated to all concerned for information, guidance and implementation

This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Yours sincerely,

(Manoranjan Samal) 
Assistant Director General (Bldg.)
Copy to:
1. PSO to Secretary Posts 
2. All members of Postal Service Board 
3. CGM (Parcel & BDY CGM (PLIy Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad 
4. Director, PTCS 
5. All Recognized Service Unions/ Federations 
6. GM, CEPT, Bangalore--for placing this order on India Post website

Model Draft Letter

The SP or SSP

Sub : Request for vacating of post attached quarters

In deference to para 5 of Dte OM BDG- 20/8/21 -Building- DOP DTD 22.07.202I hereby submit the following request .

I am working as SPM .........
which has post attached rent free quarters. As now the quarters is delinked from the status of post attached one i express my willingness to vacate the quarters forthwith and request your good self to enable me to get HRA from the due date .

I have no objection in allotting the quarters to any other eligible officials as residential quarters .

Thanking you

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