Government of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts
(Postal Accounts Wing)
Dak Bhawan Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110001
PA/Accounts/1-12/T.S./2022-23 Dated:0/07/2022
All General Managers (Finance) All Directors of Accounts (Postal)
Sub: Advancing the date of submission of Monthly Accounts to O/o CGA.
This is regarding monthly account submission to CGA.
The O/o CGA vide its OM No. P-34001/1/2022-DAMA-CGA/10341/Adv.M.A./63 dated 17.06.2022 has decided to advance the date of submission of monthly accounts by 8th of the following month. The decision has been taken keeping in view the advancement of technology, communication systems and requirement of updated data in decision making.
Therefore, in view of the above, the new timeline for monthly account submission is as follows: Account freezing in CSI
4th of the following month PAOs account submission to Pr. AO
6th of the following month
This is effective from June 2022 Account which becomes due in July 2022. It is requested to ensure that the above mentioned timeline is strictly adhered to. This issues with approval of competent Authority.
Satyaranjan Das
AO (Accounts)
Copy to:
F&A Team, O/o GM (Finance), CEPT for information and necessary action.
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