Proposed disastrous changes in Postal Department with an eye to Corporatization

This PICA (of NFPE & FNPO) representing almost the entire postal employees throughout the country has been observing with serious concern that the Department is moving fast, without caring the Staff Side with the scheme like Dak Mitra, Booking of Speed Post Parcel & Registered Parcel by CSC VLES (Village Level Entrepreneurs) using the CSC's Digital Seva Portal to which this Joint Platform has already recorded its protest vide letter of even no. dated 03.06.2022. In our opinion this is a planned move to corporatization as like as earlier Telecom Department. But it is a matter of utter dismay that our letter has neither been acknowledged nor the department has restrained itself from implementing above scheme. Now again the department has ordered migration of POSB Accounts to IPPB by transferring the control over CEPT from DoP to IPPB. Even staffs from DoP have also been ordered to work in IPPB, with which in no circumstances we can agree. Actually, these are disastrous steps which will finally finish the future of POSB and also the security of huge amount of public money as invested in POSB since its introduction. It is surprising to note that how Department can take such unilateral action without any consultation with staff side and also without reading the mind of our investors/stake holders. People have been investing their hard earned money in POSB with the understanding that their money is safe under govt's custody. But this will surely come to an end, when there will be only IPPB Ltd. for banking, insurance and other financial services. However, once again it is to mention this Joint Platform is totally against above steps of Department, which are only making rooms for private players/corporate at the cost of Postal Department, its employees and officers and also its customers.

In these circumstances we again urge upon you that any move towards corporatization of Postal Services including POSB should be stopped immediately. We also request you to convene a meeting with the PICA leadership so that we may put forth our views why we are strongly opposing these. Already there is severe resentment and unrest amongst all cross section of Postal Employees with this apprehension that the Postal Department will no longer be the Govt. Department as like as earlier Telecom Department. So if our all petitions before you fail, we would have no alternative but to resort to any kind of trade union action including Strike at any movement. We have been backed by wall so we have no other alternative accept Strike for our existence.

We believe in the interest of our department you will be considerate enough to refrain from taking above steps and also arrange for a meeting with the PJCA leadership at the earliest to avoid employees' unrest and indignation.

With regards,
(B. Shivakumar) Secretary General, FNPO
(Janardan Majumdar) Secretary General, NFPE


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