Proper booking of Speed Post consignments in CSI- POS

Proper Speed Post booking in CSI- POS


F. No. 01-01/2018-PD
Government of India 
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (Parcel Directorate)

Marg Post Office Complex, Chanakyapuri, 
New Delhi-110021

Dated: 27th May, 2022

Sub: Proper Booking of Speed Post consignments in CSI - POS.

This is with reference to the Parcel Directorate letter of even number dated 18th July 2018 wherein definition of Speed Post Parcel was circulated to the circles.

2. Vide the above reference, Circles were requested to take necessary steps to ensure correct booking and bagging of Speed Post Parcels. CSI / CEPT has already made the necessary changes for booking of Speed Post Parcel in the POS software for retail booking at counters and in BNPLs / BPCs.

3. Definition of Speed Post Parcel is once again reiterated for circulation to each booking counter in Post offices / Buk Booking Centers. An article will be categorized as Speed Post parcel if: -

(a) The weight of the articles exceeds 500 grams. (b) The dimensions of the article exceed 38cm*27cm*2cm (c) The customer declares the content of the article as "Merchandize" even if the weight of the article is less than 500 grams.

Merchandize includes Apparel, Men & Women fashion accessories, Automotive, Baby Care, Books & Stationery, Consumables /FMCG, Covid 19 Essentials, Electronic Items, House Hold Items Sport Equipment's, Decorative Items, Medicines, Jewelry items etc. 

4. During the visits of Parcel Hubs, Booking Counters, BNPLs it has been observed that in many cases counter / booking staff are not aware about the clear definition of Speed Post Parcel and therefore merchandize items of less than 500 grams are not being booked as Speed Post Parcel as a result the booked consignments are not being handled in the appropriate office i.e Parcel Hub & NDC).

5. As mentioned in para 2 above, necessary fields for selecting "Merchandize" or putting the dimensions (L,B,H) of the Speed Post articles at the time of booking are already available in POS both in case of retail booking at booking counters in Post Offices / RMS Office. In case of Bulk Boking, Bulk customers may be requested to mention the dimension / Content Type "M" in case of merchandize items in the relevant column concerned of the bulk upload template being used in BNPLs/ BPCs. Duly filled sample template along with screen shot of PoS screen is also enclosed for reference. In casethe bulk customer has not provided content type in the excel file, BNPL booking staff may type "M" in the content type column against each entry and then upload the file in Pos.

6. Mentioning the correct dimension of the articles in excel template by the customers will not only ensure correct booking but will help in automatic calculation of volumetric weight. This will help the field units to collect more parcel revenue.

7. It is therefore requested to disseminate the correct definition of Speed Post Parcel up to the end-user i.e., Booking staff at Post Office counters / BNPLs by holding a small workshop through V.C at Divisional level so that the correct booking of Speed Post Parcels may be ensured. Action taken report in this regard may be shared with Parcel Directorate by 15.06.2022.

Enclosure: As Above

(Ajay Kumar Roy) 
Chief General Manager
Copy to:
1. General Manager CEPT, Bengaluru, with request to upload the instructions on India Post Website under Employee Corner / Orders / Circulars of Parcel Directorate 
2. DDG Mail (Operations) - For information.

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