Speed Post Incentive Scheme For Pickup, Booking & Delivery - Reg.

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan
New Delhi-110001.
Dt: 16-11-90.
All Chief Postmasters General
All Postmasters General
At present, there is an incentive scheme in Speed service. The Scheme covers the following:
Incentive for picking up of Speed Post articles from the premises of the regular customers. An incentive for booking of Speed Post articles iii. Ir.ceative for Delivery of Speed Post articles.
From tine to time various orders on the subject were
As such a fresh review of the scheme was carried the Directorate and the following decisions were
  • An incentive @ 50 paise per article will be paid to the officials detailed to pick up Speed Post articles from the premises of customers either on daily basis or specified days subject to a maximum amount of Rs.5/- per customers premises.
  • An incentive @ 50 paise per article will be paid to the official who is detailed to book Speed: Post articles in such centres where no separate counter has been provided for booking of Speed post articles and such officials are asked to book Speed Post articles in addition to their normal allotted counter duties.
  • For officials manning counters exclusively provided for booking of Speed Post articles an ..incentive is currently paid with reference to the specified threshold. The currency of the ¡ scheme has recently expired and the order for its extension/renewal is separately under examination and the order to that effect may kindly awaited,
  • An incentive @ 50 paise per article correct delivered "In time will be paid to officials entrusted for delivery of Speed... Post article alongwith other articles allotted as per normal duties/workload.
3. The expression 'Speed Post articles includes' Speed Post Money Orders and Speed Post articles under the PO to "Point as well as the contractual Scheme. All concerned may suitably, be instructed accordingly 

'Hindi 'version will follow'

 Director (Mails) 
Copy to: 
1. All Controller (MPO) 
2. Director (OL), Department of posts, Dak Bhavan N.Delhi 

gupta/ 12.11.90.

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