Online Rule-38 Request Process || PPT Download Link


Standard login will be provided for all the officials basing on their CSI employee ID, there will be a default password and OTP validation with the registered mobile of the employee. The employee requires mandatory change 

In case of non availability of mobile number the same can be updated here itself of through their DO.

 On successful validation of the user with his login credentials, user will be allowed to submit the request. On routing to this page all the preliminary data like CSI ID, employee name, designation, Cadre (PA, SA, IP, ASP, PA CO, PA SBCO, PM,MG,MTS) Group of Service (Group B/Group C/Group B-NG/Group B-G), present office of working, Division, circle, working since current position, Date of Birth, date of joining, Date of joining in present cadre etc will be pre populated.

The following additional data is to be provided by the employee for request registration.

Category under which applying (PWD, Appointed under compassionate ground, official/dependent suffering from terminal illness, General)

In case of applying grounds related to PWD and Illness the employee should also upload the relevant document as proof

Selection of Inter/Intra Circle for which request is submitted.

In case of Inter Circle ASP Cadre, year of IP Batch will also be captured for validation with the inward circle.

Selection of choice of options for Division Cadre/Circle Division cadre  – 10 Divisions under any one circle for Inter circle and 10 divisions under home circle for Intra Circle.

for Circle Cadre – choice of any one Circle other than home circle.

The request will be accepted only if the min service of 1 year is completed in the cadre and max number of R38 approvals not crossed 3 times.

On submission of above data the request gets registered in the system along with date and time of submission and one unique request ID will be given. This request ID can be used for the further enquiry by the employee. 

Click below link to download PPT 

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