A. General
1. The applicants are required to follow the time lines given in Table 1 below. The applicants will be denied entry to the Exam Hall if the time lines are not followed. The applicants will not be allowed to exit the Exam Hall before the time indicated and only after the instructions of the Invigilator
2. The Admit cards will be sent by the State Nodal Officers of respective states/circles.
3. In case the candidate does not receive admit card 10 days prior to commencement of examination, he/she is advised to contact the State Nodal Officer along with photocopy of his/her application form and acknowledgement of submission of form to Divisional/Unit (in cases other than Postal Divisions).
4. On receipt of Admit Card, the applicant is advised to verify details mentioned in the Admit Card. If there is any discrepancy in the details mentioned in the Admit Card, the applicant is advised to contact the respective State Nodal Officer to get it corrected.
5. Applicants are requested to carry their Admit Card & Official Identity cards/Aadhar Card/Driving License during both shifts of the examination on all days. These are to be shown as and when demanded by the Invigilator(s).
6. The applicants should note that any omission/mistake/discrepancy in filling in details in the answer sheet; especially with regard to Roll Number and Test Booklet Set Code (if any), will render the answer sheet liable for rejection.
7. Immediately after commencement of the examination please check that the Question Paper supplied to you does not have any unprinted or torn or missing pages or items etc. If so, get it replaced by a complete Question Paper.
8. The applicants are advised to check their SMS message box and email at regular intervals to get timely information with regard to the said examination.
B. Prohibited Items
1. The applicants are not allowed to carry following items in the Examination Hall:
a) Mobile phones, Digital Watch, Bluetooth or any other type of electronic or communication devices.
b) Any written/typed notes on person or any type of paper/cloth/electronic device.
c) Camera.
d) Eatables, Water bottles.
2. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action as envisaged in rules and the applicant may be banned from appearing in future examination(s).
3. Applicants are advised, in their own interest, not to bring any of the prohibited items including mobile phones/Bluetooth devices or any valuable item to the examination center, as arrangement for their safe-keeping cannot be assured. The department will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.
C. Items Allowed in Exam Hall
1. Applicants will be allowed to carry and use non-programmable type Calculators only in Paper I, II, III and IV of the examination. Programmable type calculators will, however, not be allowed and the use of such calculators shall be considered as resorting to unfair means by the applicants.
2. The applicants should carry and use only blue ball point/gel pens for attempting all the answers.
3. The applicants are not allowed to carry any books/notes/reference book/diary in the Exam Hall.
4. Plastic scale, Pencils and Erasers are allowed to be carried in the Exam Hall.
D. Do’s and Don’ts
E. Use of Unfair Means
1. Use or attempt to use of any unfair means before/during/after the examination is strictly prohibited. The candidature of the applicant is liable to be rejected in case the applicant uses or attempts to use any unfair means before/during/after the examination.
2. The decision of the Centre Supervisor/State Nodal Officer shall be final in this regard.
3. The applicants found using or attempting to use any unfair means before/during/after the examination are also liable for disciplinary action under CCS Conduct Rules.
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