Non receipt of PB for Interest Entry at AO Cut of Date is 20th July || POSB Manual

  Cut off date for submission of report on non receipt of PB for interest entry at AO

Cutoff Date is 20th July
The register in manuscript will be maintained in the following form:-

As and when any pass book is received from the branch post office from 1st April onwards, the date of receipt will be noted in column 3 and initials put in column 4. The register should be scrutinized on 20th of July. The absence of any entry in column 3 and 4 will indicate the non-receipt of the pass book at the Head Office/Sub Office for entry of interest. The number of all such accounts should be listed and sent to Sub Divisional Inspector/ASP who will check these accounts during inspection and also get these passbooks checked by Mail Overseers during their visit.

On 21st July, the Scrutinized register of Non receipt of PB from Branch Post Office sent to Inspecting Authorities.

At Branch Office Level 

For preparing the register of accounts of branch offices at the Head Office/Sub office, the following procedure will be followed by the branch post offices.

Each Branch Postmaster should prepare immediately a list in duplicate in the following form showing the number of each and every account standing at his office, sign it and forward one copy to the Head Office/Sub Office.
The PM/SPM of the account office will check the list to ensure that the Branch Postmaster has not omitted to include in the list any account of his office and certify that the list is complete under his signature.

(v) The Head Post Office/Sub Office, with reference to the lists of accounts received, will prepare a register of accounts standing at each branch office as mentioned in para (iii). After the existing accounts are entered in the register, it should be kept upto date by entering the number of new accounts opened or accounts received by transfer. The entries of numbers of accounts closed or transferred to other post offices should be deleted.

(vi) The work of preparation of the list of accounts by the Branch Postmaster, its checking by the PM/SPM of the Account Office and preparation of branch office-wise register of accounts by Head Office/Sub Office is a one time job. Once the register is prepared by Head Office/Sub Office on the basis of the lists, the Head Office/Sub Office has only to keep it up-to-date as and when new accounts are opened and accounts are transferred, closed, etc.

(vii) The Divisional Supdts. will furnish a certificate to the Head of Circle by 30th September that the work of verification of balances in respect of all accounts in the manner prescribed has been duly completed.

(viii) The Head of Circle will furnish a completion certificate of this work to the Directorate in a quarterly report.

Reference taken from POSB (CBS) Manual Volume 


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