Subject: Functions of the Offices handling International Mails- reg.
In order to ensure appropriate nomenclature and proper understanding about the offices dealing with processing of international mails in accordance with the provisions of Foreign Post Manual, the role and functions of such offices is clarified as follows for the notice of all concerned:
(i) Office of Exchange (OE): A post office or sorting office or section which exchanges mails with offices in foreign countries. It makes up and addresses international mails to Office of Exchange in another country, in the role of 'outward Office of Exchange and receives mails from another country addressed to it in the role of 'inward Office of Exchange.' An OE may function only as an inward OE or only as an outward OE or both inward and outward for all or some of the countries as authorized. It receives and opens closed bags and makes dispatches to post offices, mail offices and Sub Foreign Post Offices in its jurisdiction and to other Foreign Post Offices. The Office of Exchange also maintains accounts relating to international mail exchanged with foreign countries, handle inquiries and indemnity cases with Office of Exchange in foreign countries and keeps liaison with carriers - airlines, shipping companies etc. (ii) Office of Exchange of Transit (Transit OE): An Office of Exchange on the border, port or airport which receives and dispatches only closed mail bags addressed to or received from OEs in India and OEs in foreign countries including foreign origin bags received in closed transit and destined to another countries. The transit OE exchanges mail with carriers or officials of foreign postal administration/ designated operator and coordinating with them regularly. (iii) Foreign Post Offices (FPOs) Foreign Post Office is a post office or sorting office appointed by Customs as Foreign Post Office for the clearance of imported goods or export goods or any class of such goods. Therefore, an FPO is an OE where assessment of Customs Duty (and opening of articles for this purpose) on foreign mails is also carried out. The assessment of customs duty is carried out only for the articles to be delivered by the post offices under the jurisdiction of that FPO. In case of other articles to be delivered through post offices near other Offices of exchange, such articles are diverted to them for examination and duty assessment. The FPO maintains all accounts related to customs duty.
(iv) Sub Foreign Post Office (SFPO): A post office where Customs examination, assessment and accounting of Customs Duty takes place but it is not an Office of Exchange. This office does not close or receive bags to or from foreign administrations.
(v) International Business Center (IBC): IBC is a post office or sorting office which provides facilities for booking, processing, assistance in customs documentation pick up bulk customers of international mail similar to the activities of Business Post Center (BPC)/ Mail Business Center (MBC) in case of domestic mail. IBC may also make direct dispatches to respective Sub Foreign Post Offices/ Foreign Post Offices. IBC can provide nodal delivery of inward mail if the volumes justify the same and it provides delivery advantage over other modes.
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