Step by Step procedure for using LGD Portal

User Name: CEN********POST
Password: ********************
To add entities of the DoP, user have to the follow steps mentioned below. This document will help the user to add details of Head Post Office, Sub-Post Office and Branch Post Office and its mapping with land region (Rural / Urban / TLBs).

Please Note: This process is for entry of the entities that follow the below hierarchy of DoP. For the entities that are exceptional from this hierarchy, NIC-MoPR shall provide the other functionality and document to update the same on LGD Application.
Department of Posts (Center level) --> Postal Circle --> Postal Region --> Postal Division --> Head Post Office --> Sub Post Office --> Branch Post Office 
1. Steps to Add “Head Post Office”
  • First login with the above credentials at LGD Portal.
  • Select Menu → Department → Define Administrative Unit Entity 
User will get the below form to add Admin unit

  • Select Type of Administrative Unit as “Head Post Office”
  • Select Parent of this Head Post Office (Postal Division Name)
  • Enter entity name in English
  • Enter entity name in Local Language (if any)
  • Select “Yes” to map the land region with this Administrative Unit

  • Select from “Contributing Land Region” as “Select from Land Region” /Existing Local Bodies
  • Select State/ District/ Sub-District/ villages where the Head Post Office isrendering its services. (Select “Full” coverage if the entity render service incomplete District/ Subdistrict or Select “Part” if the coverage is only to its part area to select its lower level hierarchy upto village / urban ward level.
  • Publish the change to make them effective on LGD Application.
User need to add all the entity one by one

2. Steps to Add “Sub Post Office”

(i) Select Menu → Department → Define Administrative Unit Entity
User will get the below form to add Admin unit
  • Select Type of Administrative Unit as “Sub Post Office”
  • Select Parent of this Sub Post Office (Head Post Office)
  • Enter entity name in English
  • Enter entity name in Local Language (if any)
  • Select “Yes” to map the land region with this Administrative Unit 
User will get the form to map land region

  • Select the “Contributing Land Region” as “Select from Land Region” / Existing Local Bodies
  • Select State/ District/ Sub-District/ villages where the Sub Post Office is rendering its services. (Select “Full” coverage if the entity render service in complete District/ Subdistrict or Select “Part” if the coverage is only to its part area to select its lower level hierarchy upto village / urban ward level.
  • Publish the change to make them effective on LGD Application.
User need to add all the entity one by one.

3. Steps to Add “Branch Post Office”

  • Select Menu → Department → Define Administrative Unit Entity
User will get the below form to add Admin unit
  • Select Type of Administrative Unit as “Branch Post Office”
  • Select Parent of this Branch Post Office (Sub Post Office)
  • Enter entity name in English
  • Enter entity name in Local Language (if any)
  • Select “Yes” to map the land region with this Administrative Unit
User will get the below form to map land region
  • Select the “Contributing Land Region” as “Select from Land Region” / Existing Local Bodies
  • Select State/ District/ Sub-District/ villages where the Sub Post Office is rendering its services. (Select “Full” coverage if the entity render service in complete District/ Subdistrict or Select “Part” if the coverage is only to its part area to select its lower level hierarchy upto village / urban ward level.
  • Publish the change to make them effective on LGD Application.
User need to add all the entity one by one

Steps to Add “PIN Code”

1. Select Menu → Miscellaneous → Update Other Standard Codes/Local Names(Admin)

Now Select the Type of administrative unit level like Head Post Office/Sub Post Office/Branch Post Office and then select the Parent Administrative Unit Respected Unit levels entity will be visible so you can update the Org Specific code as Pin code through single page and save

5. Steps to Set Parent of Organization Unit

(This step is to be followed to map all the child entries made (using steps mentioned above) at Parent
Level. e.g. All the HOs are required to be mapped with concerned Divisions, SOs are required to be
mapped with concerned HOs, BOs are required to be mapped with concerned SOs ). The mapping of
Circle till Division level has already been done. The further mapping of Divisions till BOs is required to
be completed.

1. Select Menu → Department → Set Parent Organization
Select the “Select Level of Department” from dropdown.
Select the Organization Unit from List box
Then Click Button “Get all child level Organization Unit”

Select “Select Child Level Organization Available Child level Organization Units” from the list box then Click Button “Shift Suitable Child Organization Unit

After completed all the mapping save your mapping by clicking button Save Mapping

Report Section:

In order to Monitor and verify the mapping / updating made by the Division/HO/SO user may check the below mentioned report.
  • Go to Download section (as shown screenshot 4.1)

  • Click on ‘Reports’. Select Report No. 57, Organization Unit Hierarchy of Department
Select Level of Department – Center, Select Organization Type – Department, Select Organization – Department of Posts

After entering Captcha and clicking on ‘Get Data’ button, user can download the report in excel format.

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