Rajasthan Circle PO RMS Accountant Exam Result 2021

Rajasthan Postal Circle Declared List of Qualified Candidates of Departmental PO RMS Accountant Exam held on 31.10.2021 – Here below Full Result


Memo No.: Rectt/2-5/2021/Con
Dated at Jaipur, the 02. 02.2022

The following candidates are hereby declared qualified in Departmental PO/RMS Accountant Examination held on 31.10.2021.

S.No Roll No. Name of Candidate Comm. Division Marks secured
Marks secured ___________ Paper-II Total Marks
1 270002 Gopesh Kumar Agarwal, O.A DO Alwar UR Alwar 82.0 54.0 136.0
2 270004 Kusandar Kumar Koli, OA DO Alwar SC Alwar 44.0 62.0 106.0
3 270251 Aditya Dhrmawat, P.A., Sawaimadhopur HO
Now- SPM Shiwar SO
OBC Sawai Madhopur 69.0 68.0 137.0
4 270252 Manoj Kumar Jangid, PA, Alanpur SO, Sawaimadhopur OBC Sawai Madhopur 54.0 64.0 118.0
5 270257 Satish Chand Gupta, O.A. DO, Sawaimadhopur
Now- P.A. Gangapur
UR Sawai Madhopur 76.0 68.0 144.0
6 270259 Manisha Dagur, P.A. Ganganagar HO OBC Sawai Madhopur 61.0 78.0 139.0
7 270262 Mamta Meena, P.A., Gangapur HO, Now- OA DO Sawaimadhopur ST Sawai Madhopur 42.0 67.0 109.0
8 270301 Sangeeta Sain, P.A. Ajmer HO OBC Ajmer 70.0 78.0 148.0
9 270402 Sonam Nigam, P.A. Mandalgarh SO UR Bhlwara 63.0 64.0 127.0
10 270601 Hanuman Prasad Raigarh, P.A. Bundi HO, Now on deputation offg. SPMTalera SC Tonl 55.0 68.0 123.0
11 270801 Amar Chand Singh, P.A. Churir HO OBC/UR Churu 65.0 79.0 144.0
12 270802 Khemchand Indliya, P.A. Churu HO SC Churu 58.0 55.0 113.0
13 270803 Parmod Soni, P.A. Churu HO OBC Churu 73.0 77.0 150.0
14 270804 Babu Lal Suthar, P.A. Taranagar LSG OBC/UR Churu 59.0 69.0 128.0
15 270901 Chandra Sekhar,P.A. Jodhpur HA SC Jodhpur 47.0 Exemption in Paper-II 47.0
16 270903 Babu Lal Patel, OA ,DO Jodhpur OBC Jodhpur 49.0 63.0 112.0



The following candidates have succeeded to get Exemption in Paper-II in Departmental PO/RMS Accountant Examination held on 31.10.2021.

S.No. Roll No. Name of candidate Comm. Division Marks secured
Marks secured _____________ Paper-II Total Marks
1. 270260 Nilam Kumari, O.A., DO Sawaimadhopur, Now- P.A. Hindaun HO UR Swai Madhopur 43.0 60.0 103.0
2. 270904 Vijay Kumar, PO Jodhpur HO (On deputation) UR Jodhpur 44.0 75.0 119.0

Note: Result of provisionally permitted candidate Shri Partik Kumar, P.A Sawaimashopur HO, Now-P.A. Hindaun Ho, Sawai Madhopur Division (Roll no.-270261) has been kept in sealed cover.

(M.L. Peepliwal)
Assistant Director (Rectt)
Office of the Chief Postmaster General
Rajasthan Circle, Jaipur-302007

A copy of this memo is issued to:-

  • 1. The ADG (DE), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001.
  • 2. The Postmaster General Rajsthan Southern Region, Ajmer.
  • 3. The Postmaster General Rajasthan Western Region , Jodhpur.
  • 4. All Sr. Supdt./ Supdt. of Post Office, Rajasthan Circle.
  • 5. The SSRM / SRMs in Rajasthan Circle.
  • 6. The Office Supdt., C.O. Jaipur with one spare copy for displaying on the notice board.
  • 7. File no. Rectt./2-5/2021.
  • 8. Office Copy.

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