General instructions to Single/ double handed SPM s as per SB Order No 01/2022 – reg.
The below general instructions are requested to be followed by the SPMs positively.
As per SB Order No 01/2022
1. At the time of closure/premature closure of any TDA type of accounts (RD/TD/MIS/SCSS/KVP and NSC), all single and double handed post offices (including BOs) shall collect closed passbook from the account holders. The closure entry is to be noted after last transaction in the passbook by the post office concerned with date stamp.
2. After closure of account, passbooks of closed TDA category accounts shall be attached with the Account Closure Form and send in a manner as prescribed for dispatch of vouchers and Long Book Consolidation Journal.
3. The number of closed passbooks attached should be mentioned in the 'Long Book Consolidation Report-BRN (Today)” or consolidation journal by the postmaster concerned.
4. Counter PA should ask the depositor to write his/her mobile number for transaction of Rs. 20,000 and above, mobile number must be checked for correctness in Finacle and if necessary, updated after obtaining separate written application from the depositor. This application should be attached with the Account Opening Form (AOF) and KYC document of the respective account.
5. For transactions involving amount of Rs. 50,000 and above, PAN must be checked and if necessary, updated before initiating the transaction.
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