Comprehensive guidelines on Complaint Handling Mechanism: CVC Circular No. 25/12/21
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-10023 Wo
No. 021/VGL/051
Dated. 24.12.2021
Circular No. 25/12/21
Subject: – Comprehensive guidelines on Complaint Handling Mechanism.
The Central Vigilance Commission receives a large number of complaints from various sources on continuous basis, containing different type of allegations against different levels of officials of Ministries/Departments/Organizations of Govt. of India.
- In order to streamline the process of lodging of complaints by the citizens and to devise a proper mechanism for handling of complaints, the Commission has issued numerous guidelines from time to time. For the benefit of all stake holders. Comprehensive Guidelines on Complaint Handling Mechanism have been compiled, which are enclosed for guidance and reference.
(Rajiv Verma)
Comprehensive Guidelines on Complaint Handling Mechanism
Table of Contents |
Introduction |
Chapter-I |
1.1 Short Title & Commencement |
1.2 Purpose |
1.3 Applicability |
Chapter-II |
2.1 Guidelines for the Complaint |
2.2 Lodging of Complaints |
Chapter-III |
3.1 Source of Complaints |
3.2 Audit Repots |
3.3 Complaint Handling Policy of Commission |
Chapter-IV |
4.1 Action taken of Complaints in the Commission |
4.2 Action on complaints where Investigation & Report (I & R ) sought by the Commission |
4.3 Complaint forwarded for Necessary Action (N.A.) or closed without any action 4.3.1 complaints forwarded to CVOs for Necessary Action 4.3.2 Complaint closed without any action |
4.4 Procedure for handling Complaints received against Secretaries to GOI, Chief Executive/ CMDs and Functional Directors of PSEs, PSBs and FIs |
Chapter-V |
5.1 Action on Complaints received by Ministries/ Departments/Organisation 5.1.1. Initial action on Complaints received by Ministries/ Departments/Organisations 5.1.2 Scrutiny of Complaints 5.1.3 Disposal of Complaints |
5.2 Action on complaints received by CPSE, PSB, PSIC, etc |
5.3 Handling of complaints against Board level Officials |
5.4 Handling of complaints against CVO, VO, etc |
5.5 Action on complaints received from Members of Parliament and dignitaries |
5.6 Action on Anonymous / Pseudonymous Complaints |
Chapter-VI |
6.1. PIDP! Complaints -Provision of PIDPI Resolution |
6.2 Amendments to PIDPI Resolution |
6.3 Guidelines for the PIDPI Complainant |
6.4 Procedure adopted by Central Vigilance Commission on PIDPI Complaint |
6.5 Protection of Whistleblowers |
6.6 Supervision and Monitoring of designated Authority |
Chapter-VII |
7.1 Systemic Improvement |
7.2 Reporting and Review of Complaints |
7.3 Various timelines related to complaints |
7.4 Withdrawal of Complaints by Complainant |
7.5 Action against persons making false complaints |
7.6 Commission’s powers to call for investigation/inquiry |
Annexure I |
Proforma for CVO Register 1 of complaints |
Annexure II |
Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure on complaints received from Members of Parliament and dignitaries |
Source :
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