A FDMS Patch is deployed in production. Please arrange to circulate below instructions to the SOLs on new procedure.
New procedure for MIS account closure by Cash:
- Maturity amount and PMI will get credited to 0340, as per current functionality.
- MIS bonus amount and interest on bonus will get credited to office account 0004, instead of 0340.
- Office account 0004 is a parking account, similar to MIS Sundry account.
Bonus + interest amount should be withdrawn by. entering the closed account number as reference number in HTM main screen and in HTM-Minor subsidy details screen.
- HCASHPND of maturity amount & PMI, will be allowed only after the bonus + interest amount is withdrawn. If not it will throw error as "Bonus payment is not yet done for the account. Please use HTM to do the repayment"
- This procedure will ensure that the bonus payout by cash is reflected correctly in teller's cash position and SOLs daily report thereon.
Note: Reference Number (A/c Number that was closed) should be given both in Debit leg as well as in Credit leg.
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