SOP for New Nanyatha Dashboard | Revised SOP

CEPT has developed a new Nanyatha Dashboard to bring further ease in the various issues associated with electronic clearance of letter boxes as well as introducing new MIS reports.

2. The following new functionalities have been added in the new Nanyatha Dashboard:

i. Divisions can add/delete letter boxes under electronic clearance

ii. Location of the letter box can be viewed on the Google maps for analysis

2.1 Besides, various other functionalities have also been provided through the new Nanyatha Dashboard. A copy of the SOP for the new Nanyatha Dashboard is attached.

3. Circles are requested to direct the Postal/RMS to download the new PMA Integrated App Ver 5.0 in all mobile devices engaged for electronic clearance of letter boxes.

The new PMA Integrated App Ver 5.0 can be downloaded from the following URL (Download can be done pre as well as post login in MIS dashboard under Nanyatha Menu).

Download Link 👇

Direct Download Link 👇

4. The SOP for new Nanyatha Dashboard may be circulated to the field units for immediate implementation.

Encl. A/a

(Ajay Kumar Roy)
DDG (Mail Operations)


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