Error : Failed to sync Operator details with server. Please try again
Error : Failed to sync Operator details due to network issue. Please check your internet connection and try again
Error : Aadhaar Packets in approved state and not uploaded due to network issue.
UIDAI Notification on ECMP client version for 96-3 and 129-3 Operator sync issue resolution steps*
You are requested to perform the following steps for facing Operator sync issue in ECMP client version for 96-3 and 129-3.
1. Download file from Upload Portal
2. Right click --> 7-zip--> extract to ClientUpgradeFix
3. Copy all three files from ClientUpgradeFix folder (ClientUpgradeFixTool.jar, logs, updateClient.bat)
4. Paste the above 3 files to C:\UID Authority of India\Aadhaar Enrolment Client
5. Stop all 3 Aadhaar services and stop the application also if it is running (ECA/ECMP)
6. Double click on updateClient.bat to execute exe.
7. Start all 3 Aadhaar Services
8. Start ECMP application
Note: Kindly reach EA admin for ClientUpgradeFix.Zip file. PFA screen shot for file name in upload portal.
For more information, please contact UID Tech-support or email to
UIDAI Technology Center
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