Change of MPKBY Agent:-(1) Where the account has been initially opened through an agent, the depositor may seek change of agent in the following cases:-

- In the case of death of the agent through whom the account was opened.
- In case of termination of the agency/non-extension of the agency of the agent through whom the account was opened.
- Change of residence of the depositor either at the same station or by transfer from one station to another.
- A depositor who opened the account directly but now wants to avail the services of the agent. (2) In the above cases, request for change of agent will be sent by the depositor to the concerned regional Director, NSO (where the account was opened) and after the Regional Director has given his approval to change the agent, the depositor can utilize the services of that agent. In such cases, new agent can claim commission for subsequent deposits. (3) the above procedure has been prescribed for change of agents in PPF accounts by MOF(DEA) in their letters No. F1/3/89-NSII dated 31.7.1989 and 16.10.1989 and will also be applicable to such cases in R.D. accounts.
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