Post Office ATM Transaction Charges list
As per information received for the Department of Post which is also known as India Post (Postal Department) has issued the latest order regarding the introduction of Post office atm transaction charges. Now post offices will also charge ATM transaction charges. These post office atm transaction charges are applicable from 01.10.2021.
Post Office ATM charges for withdrawal money:
👉Financial transactions at other ATMs
Beyond 3 free transactions (in metro cities)
and 5 transactions in non-metro cities
🤑Rs. 20/- + GST
👉Financial Transactions at own ATM (Post office ATM)
Beyond 5 free transactions
🤑 Rs. 10/- + GST
👉Non-financial transactions at other ATMs
Beyond 3 free transactions (in metro cities) and 5 transactions in non-metro cities
🤑 Rs. 8/- + GST
👉Non- financial Transactions at own ATM (Post office ATM)
Beyond 5 free transactions
🤑 Rs. 05/- + GST
Post Office ATM card annual charge (maintenance charges)
Post Office Atm Card Annual Charges
The department of Post will deduct
🤑 Rs. 125/- + GST as an ATM/post office debit card annual maintenance charges from customers from 01.10.2021.
Post office atm Maintainance charges are applicable on cycle of 01.10.2021 to 30.09.2022 and subsequent cycles.
Charges are to be collected at the end of the cycle i.e. on 30.09.2022.
SMS alert charges for post office atm card
We know that each and every bank deducts SMS alert charges because it provides an SMS facility on the registered mobile number for all transactions.
Similarly, the department of Post also deducts nominal SMS charges for post office debit cards. These SMS are receiving on registered mobile numbers
From DOPBNK called dopbnk messages.
The post office SMS charges are now
🤑 Rs. 12/- including GST from 01.10.2021.
These SMS charges are applicable on cycle of 01.10.2021 to 30.09.2022 and subsequent cycles. Charges are to be collected at the end of the cycle i.e. on 30.09.2022.
👉Post Office ATM card replacement charges
Post office ATM card replacement charges are
🤑 Rs.- 300/- + GST from 01.10.2021
👉Post Office ATM card duplicate pin generation charges
Post Office ATM card duplication pin generation through branch charges are
🤑 Rs.-50/- + GST from 01.10.2021
" Post Office ATM card transaction declines at ATM/POS due to lack of balance in the account
If a post office atm card user does not have a balance in his post office savings account and he used his ATM card at any ATM machine or POS machine, he will be Charges "
🤑 Rs.- 20/- + GST from 01.10.2021
Cash Withdrawal at POS from post office atm card
1%of the transaction value subject to a maximum of Rs. 5/- per transaction
F. No. CBS-25/95/2021 -FS-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(FS Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-l10001,
Dated: 15.09.2021
All HoCs
Subject:- Regarding the introduction of charges for ATM transactions on ATM outlets of India Post as well as other banks.
With reference to above-mentioned subject, it is to bring to your kind notice that Competent Authority has accorded necessary approval for introduction of various charges on ATM cards at the following rates-
Post office atm charges
Post office atm card charges
Therefore, it is requested to circulate this information to all the Postal Units for awareness of the postal officials as well as the general public.
This issues with the approval of the DDG (FS)
(Puneet Bijaraniya)
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