BPS Appeals to FM for release of 3% DR from July 2021

(All India Federation of Pensioners’ Associations)


Dated : 17.10.2021

Honourable Finance Minister
Smt Nirmala Sitharaman ji

Subject: An appeal to release 3% of Dearness Relief installment due wef 01.07.2021

Respected Madam,

Govt. Pensioners of the country always look to you as their savvier. As you are well aware of the plight of pensioners who are essentially the Sr Citizens. We need not point out that post Carona-Pandemic cost of living for this category with old age vagaries has steeply risen. Pensioners do not get Bonus or other allowances except the Dearness Relief which as per ground reality though not sufficient to 100% neutralize the rising cost of living but undoubtedly provide some solace.

Normally, DR due from Ist of July is released before ‘Durga Puja’. This year though the Bonus is paid to the Government employees. Pensioners who were very hopeful that DR due will be credited to their Bank/PO accounts before “Vijay Dashmi” are disappointed. Alas! they are still looking to you with hope.

Bharat Pensioners Samaj the Federation of Pensioners with a reach to over 10 lac pensioners, one of the identified Pensioners Welfare organization of DOP PW & an associate NGO of International Federation on Ageing (IFA)- Canada fervently Appeal to you, to be kind enough to release 3% of Dearness relief & arrear wef 01.07.021 with instruction to credit to pensioners accounts the said amount before Deepavali.

Thanking you in anticipation

With Warm regards
Yours truly,

Secy. Genl. Bharat Pensioners Samaj


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