Dear AAO Examination Aspirants
This is regarding preparation for AAO Examination class. A lot of queries are coming from aspirants of AAO for starting new Batch for preparation of AAO Examination. It is hereby informed that next Batch will be started shortly. The Demo class for next batch is on 19.09.2021 (Sunday) at 1130 hrs.
Before joining any academy, must take the demo. You will feel difference yourself. Both theory and practical questions will be covered. Notes of Daily classes and practical questions will be provided through whatsapp/ email or Google Classroom (Method of joining Google classroom will be intimated later) and candidates are required to submit their answers on questions specially prepared by the Academy.
A) On-line Classes Following Subjects will be covered in the class (1) All Department Books including telecom part. Telecom part will be covered by AO of Telecom. (2) Accounting Principles/ Book keeping (Part of Paper-I) (Complimentary) -By 18 years experienced teacher (3) Logical, Analytical & Quantitative Abilities (Paper V) (Complimentary)- By 21 years experienced teacher (4) No other Academy covers the Book Keeping and Math’s part as we do.
B) Duration and fees of the on-line coaching class: (1) Online classes will be conducted in Late Evening or Sundays. (2) Fees will be intimated shortly. (3) Duration of the on-line coaching class will be 105 hrs to 115 hrs (three months daily class)
C) We reserve the rights to change the terms and conditions of the coaching classes without assigning any reason.
D) Link for joining What’s app Group is
Link for joining Telegram Group
E) Link for joining Demo class though GOOGLE MEET on 19.09.2021 (Sunday) at
1130 hrs.
If unable to join through above Google meet, join through below link
In case of any inquiry please whatsapp/telegram/ email only.
Asha Academy
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