Finacle EOD Error M31 | Closure/Renewal Verification Pending |0000 << Finacle Backend Issue

Finacle Issue:

Many offices reporting that the below mentioned error displayed while doing EOD even after verifying all closed accounts.
What to do if the above error noticed in Finacle?

  1. First, be relax.
  2. Invoke HAFI  menu in Finacle 
  3. Enter reference/give single space in the reference field.
  4. choose Not Authorized option
  5. Press F4/Go
Note down the table name and Function code executed. for closed account Function Code Start with Z. For Renewal Account, start with R

If displayed anything, the same should be verified in the concern Scheme Closure menu or Renewal Menu (HTDREN)

What reason behind the error Error 31:

It is purely back end issue and to be settled by the technical team.

Scenario 1: 

  • Unverified closed/renewed account may be verified in the concern closure menu and do EOD without error

Scenario 2:

  • While do verification, the result thrown as already closed/renewed. In this case, follow the below procedure to over come the issue.

What to do when the account could not be verified even it is pending state in HAFI Menu?

  • This case should be referred to concern CPC Unit on the same day with the following details.
SCREENSHOT ATTACHMENT: HACLI of concern Account, HAFI and HISCOD execution error.

sent mail to CPC through official mail with copy to concern SPOC/Divisional Office.


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