Clarification on MACP Scheme -DOP

Clarification on Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110001
Date : 06-09-2021


1. All Chief Postmasters General / Postmasters General
2. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate / CEPT.
3. Director, RAKNPA / Directors of All PTCs
4. Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, It.K.Puram, New Delhi
5. All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts

Subject: Clarification on Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme – reg.

Sir / Madam,

This refers to various references received from administrative units and service associations seeking clarification on the following point of reference as to what will be the modalities for financial upgradation under MACP Scheme and pay fixation thereon, if a Central Govt. employee having availed the benefit of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme is promoted to Postman/Mail Guard or Postal/Sorting Assistant or Inspector Posts cadre (i.e. to the post which carry higher Grade Pay / pay Level in Pay Matrix than what is available under MACPS and have the element of direct recruitment) through Limited Department Competitive Examination (LDCE) immediate after availing the benefit of MACP, in terms of para-4, para-28(B)/27(B) of recent consolidated guidelines and DoP&T OM No.35034/3/2015-Estt.(D) dated 08.09.2020.

2. The matter has been examined and it is clarified that if a Central Govt. employee who is promoted to either Postman/Mail Guard or Postal/Sorting Assistant or Inspector Posts cadre (i.e. to the post which carry higher Grade Pay / pay Level in Pay Matrix than what is available under MACPS and have the element of direct recruitment) through Limited Department Competitive Examination (LDCE) immediate after availing the benefits of 1st financial upgradation under MACP Scheme (not TBOP/BCR Scheme), the benefit of 2nd financial upgradation under MACP Scheme (in the next Grade Pay w.r.t. Grade Pay / pay Level held by Government servant) shall be admissible to him/her on completion of 20 years service from direct entry grade in terms of para-28(B) of OM dated 19.05.2009 & para-27(B) of OM dated 22.10.2009, if otherwise, admissible and the employee fulfils the other eligibility conditions.

In such cases, fixation on such regular promotion immediate after availing the benefit of financial upgradation under MACP, shall be subject to the provisions of para-4 of the OM on MACP Scheme as this Directorate OM No. 20-27/2015-SPN-II dated 20.08.2018 stands withdrawn vide OM No.20-27/2015-SPN-II dated 29.06.2021. As such, no pay fixation benefit with increment would be available and only difference of grade pay would be available or shall be placed in the level to which he/she is promoted at a cell in the promoted level equal to the figure being drawn by him/her on account of MACP. If no such cell is available in the level to which promoted, he/she shall be placed at the next higher cell in that level. Provided the Basic Pay on promotion to these posts where entry pay for direct recruits appointed on or after 01.01.2006, as per Section-II of Par-A of First Schedule of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, becomes applicable by virtue of the provision of the element of direct recruitment in the relevant recruitment rules, shall not be less than such entry pay w.e.f. 01-01-2006 in terms of D/o Expenditure OM No.8-23/2017-E.IIIA dated 28.09.2018 as clarified vide DoP&T OM No.35034/3/2015-Estt.(D) dated 08.09.2020. Further in 7th CPC pay structure, the pay cannot be less than the first stage of the relevant level to which promoted as provided vide Department of Expenditure OM No.1-6/2016-IC dated 03.08.2017.

To illustrate:-

i. If a Central Govt. employee, who was appointed (direct entry) as postal Assistant (in the corresponding scale to Grade Pay Rs.2400/-) on 01.09.1997 and granted 1st financial upgradation under MACP Scheme w.e.f 01.09.2008 (in Grade Pay Rs.2800/-) earns 1st regular promotion through LDCE to Inspector Posts cadre on 01.09.2010 in Grade Pay Rs.4600/- Level-7 and completes 20 years of service on 01.09.2017, the 2nd financial upgradation under MACPS in the Level-8 of Pay Matrix (in the next Grade Pay w.r.t. Grade Pay/Pay Level held by Government Servant) will be granted on completion of 20 years of service i.e. 01-09-2017. The modalities shall be as follow:-

Event W.E.F Pay Scale Remarks
Postal   Assistant 01-09-1997 Grade Pay Rs.2400 Entry Grade
1st MACP 01-09-2008 Grade Pay Rs.2800 On completion of 10 years   service. Pay fixation as per FR-22(I)(a) (1)
Inspector   Posts 01-09-2010 Grade Pay Rs.4600 1st regular promotion   (throughLDCE). No pay fixation with increment. Only difference of GP i.e   Rs.1800 is to be added in the basic pay (para-4 of MACPS). Provided the basic   pay shall not be less than the entry Pay i.e Rs.17,140/- (DoP&T OM dated   08.09.2020)

ii. If a Central Govt.employee, who was appointed (direct entry) as MTS (in the corresponding scale to Grade Pay Rs.1800/-) on 01.08.1990 and granted 1st financial upgradation under MACP Scheme w.e.f 01.09.2008 in term of para-5 of MACPS (in Grade Pay Rs.1900/-) earns regular promotions, 1st to postman on 01.09.2009, 2nd to postal Assistant (through LDCE) on 01-09-2013 & 3rd to Inspector Posts cadre (through LDCE) on 01.01.2021 and completes 20 and 30 years of service as on 01.08.2010 & 01-08-2020 respectively, the modalities for financial upgradation under MACPS and pay fixation thereon shall be as follows:-

Event W.E.F Pay Scale Remarks
MTS 01-08-1990 GP Rs.1800 Entry Grade (initial scale   Rs.2650-4000 stands merged with TBOP scale Rs.2750-4400 w.e.f 01-01-2006 to   corresponding GP Rs.1800/- as a result of 6th CPC recommendations.
1st   MACP 01-09-2008 GP Rs.1900 In term of Para-5 of MACPS on   merger of various scales of MTS as a result of recommendation of 6th CPC. Pay   fixation as per FR-22(I)(a)(I)
Postman 01-09-2009 GP Rs.2000 1st regular promotion. No Pay   fixation. Only difference of GP i.e. Rs.100 is to be added in the basic pay   provided it shall not be less than the entry pay i.e. Rs.8460/-
2nd MACP 01-08-2010 GP Rs.2400 On completion of 20 years   service. Pay fixation as per FR-22(I)(a)(I)
Postal   Assistant 01-09-2013 GP Rs.2400 2nd regular promotion (through   LDCE). No fixation benefit with increment would be available provided the   basic pay on promotion shall not be less than the entry pay i.e. Rs.9910/-   (in term of DoP&T OM dated 08.09.2020)
3rd MACP 01-08-2020 Level-5 On completion of 30 years   service. Pay fixation as per FR-22(I)(a)(1).
Inspector   Posts 01-01-2021 Level-7 3rd regular promotion (through   LDCE). No pay fication with increment. Only simple replacement to the level-7   at a cell equal to the figure being drawn by him on account of MACP. If no   such cell is available in the Level-7, he shall be placed at the next higher   cell in that level. Provided pay cannot be less than the first stage of the   Level-7 i.e. Rs.44,900/- in terms of Department of Expenditure OM   No.1-6/2016-IC dated 03-08-2017
On   subsequent promotion (4th), if any, fixation benefir under FR-22(I)(a)(1)   shall be admissible

iii. If a Central Govt. employee, who was appointed (direct entry) as postman on 01-01-1985 and granted TBOR in the scale (Rs.3200-4900) w.e.f. 01-01-2001, earns regular promotions to the posts vis 1st Postal Assistant (through LDCE) on 01-09-2020, 2nd LSG on 01-01-2009, 3rd HSG-II on 01-03-2015 & PS Gr.’B’ / AAO (through LDCE) on 01-07-2015 and completes 20 & 30 years of service on 01-01-2005 & 01-01-2015 respectively, the modalities for financial upgradation and pay fixation thereon shall be as follows:-

Event W.E.F Pay Scale Remarks
Postman 01-01-1985 3050-4590 Entry Grade (initial Scale   Rs.825-1200 upgraded to Rs.3050-4590 w.e.f. 01-01-1996)
TBOP 01-01-2001 3200-4900 On completion of 16 years of   service. Pay fixation under FR-22(I)(a)(1)
Postal   Assistant 01-09-2002 4000-6000 Regular promotion. Pay fixation   under FR-22(I)(a) (1)
2nd   MACP 01-09-2008 GP Rs.2800 On completion of 20 years   service in terms of para-5 of MACPS due to upgradation of the scale of   postman as a result of recommendation of 6th CPC to Rs.3200-4900 (Grade Pay   Rs.2000/-) pay fixation as per FR-22(I)(a)(1)
LSG 01-01-2009 GP Rs.2800 2nd regular promotion. No Pay   fixation
3rd MACP 01-01-2015 GP Rs.4200 On completion of 30 years   service. Pay fixation as per FR-22(I)(a)(1)
HSG-II 01-03-2015 GP Rs.4200 3rd regular promotion. No Pay   fixation
PS   Gr-‘B’/ Asstt. Accounts Officer (AAO) 01-07-2015 GP Rs.4800/- 4th regular promotion through   LDCE. Pay fixation as per FR-22(I)(a)(1). Since both the posts PS Gr. ‘B’ and   AAO had no element of direct recruitment, the benefir of fixation at the   minimum of entry pay i.e. Rs.18,150/-, in terms of D/o Expenditue OM dated   28-09-2018 & DoP&T OM dated 08-09-2020 (idid), shall not be   admissible. Although, the provisions of D/o Expenditure OM No.1-6/2016-IC   dated 03-08-2017 shall be applicable.

3. It is therefore, requested to bring these clarification to the notice of all concerned immediately and ensure strict adherence in true spirit.

Yours faithfully,



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