How to configure salary slip generation for GDS/BPM in DARPAN / RICT Device

Steps to be followed for Generation GDS BPM Salary Slip in DARPAN Device:

  • Login to MDM portal by RICT admin user ID.
( This site work on Sify - Private and Public Network)
  1.  Click on MIS Portal after logged in and Click on BPM menu
  2.  Then click on Active BPM report & select criteria i.e. Circle, Region, Division, Sub Division etc.
  3.  Export that file in XLS format.
  4. Then visit to ( Accessible only through Sify)
  5. Create new incident then fill all required filled like phone number, emai Id, office name,weg etc.
  6. Incident area should be select properly like DARPAN - SAP- HRMS etc
  7. Describe your issues properly in Description box I.e error which showing on Device " BPM is not tagged this BO" etc.
  8. Attach Active BPM XLS data file & Save.
  9. Wait for response for ticket. Files will be triggered centrally & BPM will be able to generate salary Slip
  10. After confirmation from BPM respond the ticket promptly.


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