Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situation Fund (PM Cares) | For Income Tax Filing

Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situation Fund (PM Cares)

PAN, Address and PIN Code for Income Tax Exemption Under Section 80G and to fill Income Tax Return

What is the Income Tax PAN (Permanent Account Number) of PM Cars Fund? What is the address and PIN Code of PM Cares Fund? How to claim exemption under Section 80G of Income tax Act against donation given to the Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situation Fund? How to fill Income Tax Return form and claim exemption u/s 80-G of Income Tax Act, 1961?

Specific scheme donation (to notified fund - i.e PM Cares) qualifies for 100% deduction without qualifying limit. Details to fill income tax return and claim exemption under 80G for donations made to PM Cares Fund are:

Name of DoneePrime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situation Fund
AddressUnder Secretary (Funds), PMO, South Block, New Delhi, Pin -110011
CityNew Delhi
State Code9
Amount of DonationPlease fill the amount of Donation (As appearing in Form 16 (salary TDS for the employee for the amount donated in case of employees)
Eligible Amount of DonationPlease fill the amount donated or eligible amount if any mention in the donation receipt

Once the schedule is filled, the return will itself in Schedule VIA savings pick up the figure as filled in 80G

What is PM Cares fund and How to Donate to it

To know about PM Cares fund and to donate online to Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situation Fund, you can use the above link. You can fill the information and donate online. Receipt can be downloaded instantly after successful completion of transaction from the Print Receipt page.


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