UIDAI undertakes remote access of Enrolment Stations to provide technical support. To improvise the process, from now onwards, remote access would be undertaken through the Cisco Webex conferencing system. Our URL of the conferencing system is
https://uidai-tc-blr.webex.com/ and all our meeting requests will start with the given URL as shown below:
For the remote access, Tech Support would set up the conference and send the meeting details to the operator from techsupport@uidai.net.in email ID. Please use the link given in the mail to join the remote support call. No meeting requests other than the Cisco Webex UIDAI
URL (https://uidai-tcblr.webex.com/) should be accepted by any of the operators.
For more information, please contact UID Tech-support
👉080 23099400
UIDAI Technology Centre,
Bangalore, India
Follow us on WhatsApp, Telegram Channel, Twitter and Facebook for all latest updates
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