Points to be noted for compassionate appointment - Person's death caused COVID19

The points to be noted for identifying the person's death caused by Covid-19 for compassionate appointment process


The recent order in respect of compassionate appointment to the officials who had lost their lives due to COVID-19 is the need of the hour to all the families of the employees. However, it is requested to consider the fact that in some cases of the deceased employees who were initially admitted in hospital as COVID-19 Positive patients and subsequently lost their lives during the period of treatment were given death certificate as COVID-19 negative patient. However, they lost their lives due to the COVID-19 and other ailments arisen due to COVID-19.

One such example can be given here as Shri Shanmugham GDS ABPM Chandrapadi was admitted in hospital as COVID-19 Positive and in continuation he lost his life while in ventilator support. But his family had been issued death certificate with COVID-19 negative.

He lost his life due to COVID-19 due to the respiratory problem arisen subsequently and it is requested that the administration should consider, whether the official is diagnosed with COVID-19 even though the death certificate is given as negative subjected to a condition that he/she shouldn't resumed his duty after got discharged from the hospital.

Many more such cases may arisen in future and it is the responsibility of the department to safeguard the wellbeing of the kith & kin of the deceased employees who lost their lives.

Similar cases may arisen in various Divisions or Regions or in other circles, hence it is requested that the case may be referred to Directorate through all modes possible like service union, individual representation and this may help the needy one in other departments too...

Message from Sri. T.Ashok, TN Circle


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