How to merge Customer IDs in McCamish portal? Read Full Procedure as per SOP

Page Title: Service Request Indexing > Select Request Type as Merge Customer ID
Enter the policy Number which is chosen as primary customer ID Policy Number.
  • On this screen Request Type, Policy Number and Date (Current date should be populated) and submit the view the summary.

There will be a static message along with a check box should be shown “*Kindly note that all the attributes of primary customer ID will be applicable for secondary customer IDs like-Date of Birth, Name, Father ‘Name/Spouse Name, CID, Bank Account Details, Address (Official, Permanent, correspondence), Email, Phone, AML details, Occupation details”.

Unless user checks the check box s/he cannot submit the request.
Transaction submitted successfully for Ticket Number PSMCI0000056125

Ticket Number sample: “PSMCI0000056125”.

Explanation for PSMCI0000056125:

PS: Policy Service
MCI: Merge Customer ID
0000056125: Sequential number of the request

ECMS Changes 

  • User has to select ‘Customer ID Merging Form’ for Customer Id merging request type.
ECMS- Document Type
For Alternate ECMS, nomenclature of Customer ID:

ECMS using Alternate Utility

When customer requests for Customer Id merging, below Nomenclature will be used for storing in
the FileNet.
Policy Servicing -
Eg: PS_CMG_<CustomerId>_<PolicyNumber>_<ServiceRequestNumber>.pdf

Data Entry User

The above task Queued on Data entry Operator with the status of Reserved. Hence, the request can be fetched using the Ticket ID by clicking the search option.
Data Entry Operator will click on the Ticket ID (hyperlink), and start working on it. 

Customer ID Merging Screen
Customer to be merged can be searched either by Customer id or Policy number.
  1. Search by Customer id -
Click on Add button, to add the client id to be merged with PID.

  • Click add button to add the customer. By this way, the policy details can be searched using policy number.
  • Click on Customer ID Merging form which is mandatory for the above process and scan the documents.
  • On click of submit button validation will run  and if same is passed, the pop up confirmation will appear Do you want to submit the request to the Quality Checker?

Quality Checker User-

Select the appropriate Request Queue, Status and Request Type from the drop down list. Click on Search icon
Missing Document can be requested by the QC.

There are two types of Documents:
• Customer ID Merging Form (Check Box)
• Others (Check Box)
*At least one of the documents should be attached
QC can do the following steps as per request validation
  • Quality checker will also have option to redirect the ticket ID to DE Operator
  • Submit the request to the approver


Request submitted by Quality Checker will be reflected in the Approver inbox under ‘Reserve’ task status

Changes in data values after Customer Id Merging

  • Once the merging is approved by approver, all secondary customer IDs that are merged with Primary customer ID will have the CID of Primary customer ID. 
  • After merging, no change will happen in Primary Customer Id attributes When searched with the Primary Customer ID then list of all policies that are merged along with the role type should appear. Similarly, when searched with policy numbers all customer IDs (various role types) should appear.

Changes on new proposal issuance post Customer Id Merging

Once customer ID are merged, for any new proposal, de-duplication search across the application should not show Secondary Ids and customer with Primary CID shall only be displayed in search result for new proposal creation wrt to any client i.e. insured(Primary/Secondary), Owner or policy Holder, nominee, spouse, appointee.

Changes in PLI/RPLI Customer Portal

  • If both customer ids are registered on the portal, only one will be retained and other one will have to be disabled.
  • This merging will happen in McCamish system. Data is retrieved in portal from vpas db via materialized
  • view.

Policy details along with only Primary Insured or Secondary Insured role type should be displayed.

Indexer will click on Submit Button and System will generate a Ticket ID. This Ticket ID will be a unique number and can be used for further tracking purpose.


Standard Operating Procedure


Customer ID Merger


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