Fixation of Pay

● On promotion, one increment shall be given in the Level from which the employee is promoted and he shall be placed at a Cell equal to the figure so arrived at in the Level of the promoted post and if not at the next higher Cell.

● An employee promoted between 1.1.2016 and 25.7.2016 can opt to switch over from the date of such promotion/upgradation.

● With effect from 1.1.2016, there shall be two dates of increment namely1st January or 1st July depending upon the date of his appointment/ promotion/ financial upgradation.

● The option once exercised while accepting promotion is final.

● A Govt. servant promoted/appointed and who has joined the post on the first working day of the year due to Sunday or a holiday on 01.01, is deemed to have completed 6 months on 01.07.

● Broken spells of adhoc promotion shall be added for fixation and increments as per Rule 10 and FR 26.5

● Family Planning Allowance has been withdrawn after the implementation of 7th  CPC recommendations.

Stepping up of Pay

● Conditions

(I) Both senior & junior must be in the same cadre in identical pay & in the same recruiting unit.

(ii) Posts promoted must be identical and same.

(iii) Senior must be getting more or equal pay at the time of promotion.

(iv) Direct result of application of FR 22 (c)

● Stepping up can be claimed with Direct recruits in case of promotees.

● Senior promotees can claim at par with direct recruits if their training period is counted.

● Second time can be allowed only if the same junior stepped up his pay with another person (only with same person)


● Under FR 24 an increment shall ordinarily be drawn, unless it is withheld. The word ordinarily signifies that the official becomes entitled to the increment. Conditions attached to drawal of increment as a service accruing during leave will be drawn from the date of return.

● No effect due to Dies-non, EXOL without MC etc. up to six months.

● If no qualifying service of six months, no increment. Will get next increment in next July only.

● Training period of Direct recruits will be taken for increment.

● Withhold increments will be restored from the date of penalty ceases.

Periods which count for increment

(a) duty

(b) pre induction training

(c) all kinds of leave except EOL(but on MC allowed)

(d) service in other post carrying less pay

(e) Joining time

Events affecting drawal of increments

● Reduction to lower service, grade or post or lower time scale.

● Mandatory: Date of effect, the period of penalty, (if it is for specified period), the extent to which the period will operate to postpone future increments, the initial pay on reduction.

Regulation of pay after the punishment.

● If the reduction shall not operate to postpone future increment (or is silent) on restoration the employee will be entitled to the pay he would have drawn.

● If the reduction operates to postpone future increments for any specified period, such period shall be excluded.


● Increment falling due during maternity leave will be drawn only on date  of joining after expiry of leave.

● Increment falling during casual leave has to be drawn.

● Amount of increment should be rounded off to the next multiple of 10. Officiating Pay & Option

● 14 days & above – officiating pay will be drawn.

● If first spell is 10 days and the subsequent spell is of 10 days, both shall be combined & officiating pay shall be drawn for the entire period.

● Officiating pay is entitled as per the promotional next hierarchical Level pay.

● Whenever any changes in rules, a revised option for pay fixation is allowed within one month.

● Option for pay fixation on promotion shall be given within one month


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