Time limit for treating a Speed Post article as ‘lost’ in absence of final delivery status for the purpose of payment of compensation
No. 39-32/2019-D
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Mail Business (Operations & Development) Division
Dak Bhawan, New Dethi-110001
Date: 13th April, 2021
Office Memorandum
Subject: Time limit for treating a Speed Post article as ‘lost’ in absence of final delivery status for the purpose of payment of compensation- regarding.
Reference is invited to BD Directorate OM number 57-07/2016-BD&MD (pt.1) dated 20.12.2018 vide which the maximum period within which a Speed Post article | could be treated as ‘lost’ was fixed as 150 days provided that the complaint was lodged within the period prescribed for lodging the complaint i.e. within 60 days of booking the article. The period of 150 days for treating a Speed Post article as lost was fixed taking into account the time taken for completion of e-search bill inquiry.
2. The matter has been re-examined. As the process of handling and transmission of Speed Post articles have been streamlined in the recent past and more visibility has come in the transmission and delivery of Speed Post articles due to technological upgradation and regular monitoring under MNOP-; it has therefore been decided that the maximum period after which a Speed Post article can be treated as ‘lost’ in the absence of final delivery status for the purpose of payment of compensation, will be 60 days from the date of booking or 30 days from the date of receipt of complaint, whichever is later, provided that the complaint is lodged within the period prescribed in this regard.
The compensation to the sender of the Speed Post article so declared as ‘lost’ will be paid thereafter within a period of 10 days.
3. The action to declare the Speed Post article as ‘lost’ shall be initiated on receipt of complaint with the proof of booking. The sender only can seek compensation prescribed under the rules (Rule 66-B of the Indian Post Office Rules, 1933 as amended on 18-11-2013 on submission of a valid proof of booking. Compensation for loss of the Speed Post article will continue to be paid in accordance with the instructions issued by the Department from time to time.
4. The process of investigation to establish the loss must be carried out by the booking office as per the extant provisions containing in Postal Manual Volume V and instructions issued by the Department from time to time. However, the process of investigation and inquiry to ascertain the cause of loss of the Speed Post article, fixing responsibility and recovery thereof is an internal exercise of the Department and need not be linked to the payment of compensation.
5. In case of insured Speed Post article, the time limit as prescribed in para-2 above will also be applicable and the process of investigation as per the rules and instructions issued by the Department from time to time are to be followed.
6. Due diligence has to be taken within the time line mentioned at para- 2 above to find out the delivery status of the Speed Post article. Due diligence, inter alia includes issue of e- search bill, cross checking with the delivery office, returned to sender office and payment office as the case may be. Delivery office shall ensure cross checking of delivery in the online system as well as manual records and update the status accordingly.
7. The provisions prescribed for registered articles in clause 81 (2) of the Post Office Manual Volume-VIII regarding recovery of whole or part of the contents will also be applicable in case of Speed Post articles.
8. An undertaking shall be obtained from the complainant/sender by the respective payment office that the complainant/sender has not received any payment compensation for the Speed Post article against which claim has been made and that in case of multiple payment comes to notice later, the excess amount shall be refunded by complainant/sender to the payment office or the same will be adjusted against any payments due in favour of the complainant/sender.
9. These instructions will be applicable to. the Speed Post articles booked on and after 01.04.2021.
This issues with the approval of the Director General (Postal Services).
(Ajay Kumar Roy)
Deputy Director General (Mail Operation)
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