Restoration of Interest Free Advances, withdrawn by the Government based on 7th CPC Recommendations

Restoration of Interest Free Advances, withdrawn by the Government based on 7th CPC Recommendations:

 Item No. 10/19/SC Standing Committee Meeting


A. Unresolved Items of the Earlier SCM held on 7.3.2019

Item No. and Ministry / DepttItem No. 10/19/SC D/o Expenditure

Subject: Restoration of Interest Free Advances, withdrawn by the Government based on 7th CPC Recommendations

Decision in the Meeting of 7.3.2019Joint Secretary (Personnel) stated that Seventh Pay Commission in its report had recommended that all interest free advances should be abolished. The recommendations of the Commission relating to the abolition of interest free advances have been accepted by the Government with the exception of interest free Advances for Medical Treatment and Travelling Allowance for the family of the deceased. Travelling Allowance on tour or on transfer and Leave Travel Concessions have also been retained.

Staff Side also raised the demand for the restoring Festival Advance. Joint Secretary (Personnel) agreed to reconsider the issue of restoring the Festival Advance.

Staff Side thanked JS (Pers.) for agreeing to reconsider the issue of restoration of Festival Advance to the Central Govt. Employees.
JS (Pers.) agreeing to reconsider the issue of restoration of Festival Advance to the Central Govt. Employees.

Status as on 25.02.2021Department of Expenditure has informed through their letter dated 16.02.2021 that the matter is being considered in this Department and a decision in this regard would be conveyed at an appropriate time.

Matter is under consideration of D/o Expenditure.

Discussions/Decision on 26.02.2021: The Staff Side demanded that, as agreed to in the last meeting, Festival Advance may be granted every year without any condition with recovery of the same in 10 monthly instalments. The Staff Side also stated that so many restrictions may not be put on the same.Secretary (P) stated that there is no restriction on what to do of the amount of advance but there is restriction on how to disburse it. He asked the Staff Side to give better alternative (s) for the same. AS(Pers), DOE stated that the Staff Side may suggest better alternatives.

The matter may be discussed by the Staff Side with AS (Pers), DOE separately.

Hence, the item may be shifted from agenda of the Standing Committee to the Departmental Council of Department of Expenditure.


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