Freezing of DA to employees and DR to Pensioners, Govt. will enforce further economy measures to off-set any increase: Finance Commission
REPORT FOR 2021-26
Chapter 4
Pandemic Times: Analysis for the Future 2021-26
Pensions and Salaries
4.40 The Government of India has, as of now, frozen the dearness allowance to its employees and dearness relief to its pensioners due from January 2020 to July 2021, clarifying that this will be restored only prospectively. Based on this decision, we do not expect any growth in the salary requirements for 2020-21 over 2019-20. In view of the strain on revenues, for 2021-22 also we expect that the Union Government will enforce suitable economy measures in its committed expenditures to off-set any increase on account of dearness and other allowances. Accordingly, we have factored in a growth rate of 1 per cent in salaries and 1.5 per cent in pensions in these two years (2020-21 and 2021-22). Thereafter, we have employed an annual growth of 5 per cent in salaries and 5.5 per cent in pensions, keeping in mind the need for annual increment of employees, dearness allowance/relief of employees and pensioners and the normatively assessed change due to attrition in the workforce. We also expect that the expenditure on government workforce will be prudently rationalised, with emphasis on functional efficiency, to stay within the means. Our projections are presented at Annex 4.1.
अध्याय 4
महामारी का दौर: भावी विश्लेषण (2021-26)
पेंशन एवं वेतन
4.40 भारत सरकार ने अभी अपने कर्मियों के लिए महंगाई भत्ता और पेंशनभोगियों के लिए महंगाई राहत पर जनवरी, 2020 से जुलाई, 2021 तक रोक लगा रखी है और संघ सरकार ने यह स्पष्ट किया है कि रोक हटने के बाद इन भुगतानों की बहाली उत्तरव्यापी प्रभाव से की जाएगी। इस निर्णय के आधार पर, हम 2019-20 की तुलना में 2020-21 के वेतन में कोई वृद्धि की उम्मीद नहीं करते हैं । राजस्वों पर दबाव को ध्यान में रखते हुए, हम यह उम्मीद करते हैं कि 2021-22 के लिए संघ सरकार अपने प्रतिबद्ध व्ययों में उपयुक्त मितव्ययिता उपाय (economy measures) लागू करेगी, ताकि महंगाई एवं अन्य भत्तों के कारण बढ़ोतरी को प्रतिसंतुलित किया जा सके | तदनुसार, हमने इन दो वर्षों, अर्थात 2020-21 और 2021-22 में वेतन में 1 प्रतिशत तथा पेंशन में 1.5 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि दर का आकलन किया है। उसके बाद की अवधि के लिए हमने कर्मियों की वार्षिक वेतन-वृद्धि, कर्मियों एवं पेंशनभोगियों के लिए महंगाई भत्ता/राहत तथा कार्यबल में क्षयण (attrition) के कारण मानकीय तौर पर आकलित बदलावों को ध्यान में रखते हुए, वेतन में 5 प्रतिशत और पेंशन में 5.5 प्रतिशत की वार्षिक वृद्धि आकलित की है। हम यह भी उम्मीद करते हैं कि कार्यदक्षता पर विशेष बल देते हुए सरकारी कार्यबल पर खर्च किए जा रहे व्यय को विवेकशील तरीके से युक्तियुक्त (rationalised) बनाया जाएगा, ताकि व्यय उपलब्ध संसाधनों के भीतर ही हो। हमारे पूर्वानुमान अनुलग्नक 4.1 में प्रस्तुत किए गए हैं ।
Annex 4.1
(para 4.14, 4.40, 4.51,4.55)
Assessment of Union Government Finances for the Award Period of the FC-XV
(Rs. crore)
2020-21 (BE) | 2020-21 (Reassessed) |
2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25 | 2025-26 | |
Gross Revenue Receipts | 2808037 | 2135156 | 2429405 | 2684206 | 2999062 | 3381073 | 3841641 |
Gross Tax Revenue | 2423020 | 1876118 | 2135398 | 2362270 | 2643322 | 2986200 | 3401357 |
Corporation Tax | 681000 | 490050 | 559515 | 623300 | 701836 | 798338 | 917690 |
Income Tax | 638000 | 443444 | 509295 | 567354 | 641820 | 737130 | 855808 |
Customs Duties | 138000 | 101893 | 117024 | 129253 | 144182 | 163214 | 185737 |
Union Excise Duties | 267000 | 295639 | 323577 | 345095 | 370459 | 398984 | 431103 |
Service tax | 1020 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Goods and Services Tax | 690500 | 541310 | 621694 | 692567 | 779831 | 882768 | 1004590 |
Other Taxes | 7500 | 3782 | 4293 | 4701 | 5194 | 5766 | 6429 |
Non-Tax Revenues | 385017 | 259038 | 294007 | 321936 | 355740 | 394873 | 440284 |
Interest Receipts | 11042 | 11042 | 11042 | 11042 | 11042 | 11042 | 11042 |
Dividends and Profits | 65747 | 33411 | 37921 | 41523 | 45883 | 50931 | 56788 |
Dividend/Surplus from RBI | 89649 | 89649 | 101751 | 111417 | 123116 | 136659 | 152375 |
Petroleum | 14075 | 11131 | 12633 | 13833 | 15286 | 16967 | 18919 |
Telecommunication | 133027 | 69846 | 70000 | 70000 | 65000 | 60000 | 60000 |
Other Non Tax Revenues | 71477 | 43959 | 60660 | 74121 | 95413 | 119274 | 141160 |
Divisible pool | 1913731 | 1399846 | 1606318 | 1786897 | 2010695 | 2284310 | 2616072 |
Tax Share to States | 784181 | 573937 | 658591 | 732628 | 824385 | 936567 | 1072589 |
NCCD Transfer to NCCF/NDRF | 2930 | 2930 | 2930 | 2930 | 2930 | 2930 | 2930 |
Net Revenues to the Centre | 2020926 | 1558288 | 1767884 | 1948650 | 2171747 | 2441576 | 2766120 |
Revenue Expenditure | 2630145 | 2690145 | 2838995 | 3011135 | 3191617 | 3406586 | 3679145 |
General services | 1270606 | 1216748 | 1313527 | 1424012 | 1538544 | 1656171 | 1776717 |
Interest Payments | 708203 | 678635 | 760156 | 838425 | 917018 | 995750 | 1074093 |
Defence revenue expenditure | 209319 | 209319 | 220832 | 235722 | 252659 | 271501 | 292543 |
Pensions | 210682 | 186392 | 189188 | 199593 | 210571 | 222152 | 234371 |
Police | 93597 | 93597 | 94346 | 99252 | 105008 | 111099 | 117542 |
Fiscal Services | 18780 | 18780 | 18857 | 19688 | 20556 | 21463 | 22409 |
External Affairs | 8876 | 8876 | 8912 | 9411 | 10104 | 10848 | 11647 |
Other general services | 21149 | 21149 | 21236 | 21921 | 22628 | 23358 | 24112 |
Social Services | 125274 | 156214 | 165751 | 182608 | 203825 | 227805 | 254941 |
Health | 30940 | 61880 | 71169 | 82599 | 95866 | 111264 | 129135 |
Other Social Services | 94334 | 94334 | 94582 | 100009 | 107959 | 116541 | 125806 |
Economic Services (excluding subsidy) | 228315 | 287075 | 274904 | 282770 | 300749 | 319337 | 338437 |
Transport and Communication | 37021 | 37021 | 37073 | 39245 | 42555 | 46145 | 50037 |
Science, Technology & Environment | 30516 | 30516 | 30559 | 32349 | 35078 | 38037 | 41245 |
Export Promotion | 2256 | 2256 | 2259 | 2391 | 2593 | 2811 | 3049 |
Power | 13392 | 13392 | 13411 | 14197 | 15395 | 16693 | 18101 |
Other economic services | 145130 | 203890 | 191602 | 194588 | 205128 | 215651 | 226005 |
Subsidy | 262109 | 312109 | 314148 | 322093 | 332615 | 343307 | 355340 |
Food | 115570 | 165570 | 187003 | 194484 | 202263 | 210353 | 218768 |
Others | 146539 | 146539 | 127145 | 127609 | 130352 | 132954 | 136572 |
Grants-in-Aid to State Governments Recommended by Finance Commission | 149925 | 196449 | 233279 | 227846 | 198012 | 190203 | 183722 |
Revenue deficit grants | 30000 | 74340 | 118452 | 86201 | 51673 | 24483 | 13705 |
Disaster relief grants to States | 20000 | 22184 | 22184 | 23294 | 24466 | 25688 | 26969 |
Grants to local government to States | 99925 | 99925 | 80297 | 84703 | 87181 | 92087 | 92093 |
Sector-specific grant | – | – | 12346 | 23729 | 24773 | 33062 | 36077 |
State-specific grant | – | – | – | 9919 | 9919 | 14883 | 14878 |
Provision for other transfers (expected) to States**, of which | 511500 | 439134 | 444485 | 468941 | 503198 | 541173 | 625050 |
GST compensation to States | 127440 | 93480 | 90189 | 100474 | 112623 | 127163 | 186199 |
Grants-in-Aid to Union Territories | 47258 | 47258 | 54228 | 60324 | 67879 | 77116 | 88316 |
Other revenue expenditure | 35158 | 35158 | 38673 | 42541 | 46795 | 51474 | 56622 |
Capital Expenditure | 412085 | 352085 | 369269 | 357910 | 401577 | 450192 | 485619 |
Non-Debt Capital Receipts | 224967 | 68620 | 138345 | 113478 | 108589 | 103657 | 98754 |
Revenue Deficit/Surplus(-) | 609219 | 1131857 | 1071111 | 1062485 | 1019870 | 965011 | 913022 |
Fiscal Deficit/Surplus(-) | 796337 | 1415322 | 1302035 | 1306918 | 1312858 | 1311545 | 1299887 |
Adjusted Outstanding Debt* | 10676357 | 11400438 | 12673209 | 14026621 | 15406827 | 16777522 | 18105890 |
GDP | 22489420 | 19119458 | 21700585 | 23762140 | 26257165 | 29145453 | 32497181 |
Note: (*) The adjusted outstanding liabilities presented in the table are equal to the outstanding liabilities, minus the State borrowing from NSSF, minus cash balances minus Central loans to State Government plus extra budgetary resources and finally adjusted for external debt at current exchange rate.
(**) Includes transfers made through functional heads also. The functional heads have been adjusted to this extent.
Source: Finance Commission Report
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