Central employees to get three installments of D.A. from July 2021

Good times likely to come for central Govt. employees and pensioners. As per sources, Govt. is going to release D.A./D.R for employees and pensioners from July 2021 onwards.

Earlier in early 2020, Govt. freezed D.A. and installment payable on January 2020, July 2021 and January 2021 kept on hold. But it promised to pay the installments once the ban is lifted and there will be no arrears.

January 2020 installment was 4%, announced earlier but the other two installments were non announced. The other two installments are calculated based on labour bureau data are 4% each (as calculated by our team).

So the govt employees are likely to get a hike of 12% in total from July 2021, if sources are to beleive.

Let us keep finger crossed for official announcement.


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