Minutes of the meeting of Cadre review Committee (Sub-Committee of Lobo Committee) for restructuring of Gr ‘C’/ Gr ‘B’ (Non-Gaz) of PAOs

No.251 (1)/14/PA-Admn.II/
Government of India,
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts,
Postal Accounts Wing,

Dak Bhavan, New Delhi. 110 001
Dated .02.2021

Minutes of the meeting of Cadre review Committee (Sub- Committee of Lobo Committee) for restructuring of Gr ‘C’/ Gr ‘B’ (Non-Gaz) of PAOs.

A meeting of Sub-Committee of Lobo Committee to review the Cadre-re-structuring of Gr ‘C’ & Gr ‘B’ (Non-Gaz) staff of PAOs was held under the Chairmanship of Sr DDG (PAF) on 04.02.2021 at Bhubaneswar (Odisha). The following members have participated in the Meeting:

1. GM (F), Chennai
2. GM (F), Kolkata
3. DAP, Cuttack.

The observations/Recommendations of the committee in connection with cadre review of Gr ‘C’ & Gr ‘B’ staff of PAOs is as under:


A.)- LDC cadre:
1. Sorter & MTS cadre is feeder cadre for filling up 60% vacancies of LDC (1207 Posts). Since Sorter is dying cadre (390 Posts) & total sanctioned posts of MTS are 558, hence 60% posts of LDC (724) posts cannot fill through promotion. Therefore, details of restructuring of LDC cadre are as under:


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