Easy way to get GPS in Aadhaar Enrolment client Application | About GPS Device information

In many occasions getting GPS information is a tedious job in the Aadhaar enrolment center. It would take minimum 5mins to maximum 30mins. 

In general, the GPS details will shown within 30seconds. 

Instructions to get GPS quickly:

  1. Connect GPS Device/USB Extension cable connected with GPS Device in the backside of the CPU
  2. Set default Baud rate of 9600.
  3. Start GPS.
  4. Once the GPS is started, GPS Device will change the status as Active from the inactive status.
  5. If the Device status is not changed even after 30seconds to 1minute. Please change the USB port to the next one then start GPS.
  6. Sometimes getting the GPS details delayed even after changing the status as Active. In this case also USB port to be changed for getting the GPS details immediately.
  7. In few cases, USB device not recognized message is being displayed while connecting the Device with PC. Try different port after restarting the PC. If not resolved, change the USB extension cable.
  8. Once the GPS details fetched the same will be displayed in the concern fields and Save GPS to take effect.
  9. Remove the GPS device from the PC.

General Instructions:

  • In Open Area, No need to connect USB extension cable with the Aadhaar GPS Device. It would access quick and get the details immediately.
  • Highly Quality USB Extension cable is highly recommended.
  • Minimum 1.5m and Maximum of 3 meter cable is advisable. 
  • Connect with inbuilt USB in the system for best performance.

About GPS Device:

An UIDAI Approved Aadhaar GPS Device IG CBI comes with 4.5-5.5v DC designed by Transline technologies for Aadhaar enrolment client. This is a plug and play device and the configuration of the device is displayed below for reference.


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