Reimbursement of Travelling Allowance admissible under Daily Allowance – Officials have to indicate the period of travel, Vehicle Number
No. 19030/2/2020-E.IV
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 22nd December, 2020
Subject : Travelling Allowance Rules – production of receipts/vouchers for reimbursement of Travelling charges for travel within the city admissible under Daily Allowance on tour- regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Para 2 (E) (i) & (iii) of this Department’s OM No. 19030/1/2017-E.IV dated 13.07.2017 regarding Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of 7th CPC vide which reimbursement for Travelling Charges for travel within the city admissible under Daily Allowance on Tour, has been prescribed. As per Para 2E(iii) of this O.M. Level 8 & Below have been allowed reimbursement of Travelling Charges without production of vouchers against self-certification and Level 9 & above have to produce vouchers.
2. Several references have been received in this Department regarding difficulties being faced by the officials in Pay Level 9 to 11 for production of receipts/vouchers while claiming reimbursement of Travelling Charges for travel within the city admissible under Daily Allowance on Tour as per Para 2E(i) of Annexure to this Department’s OM dated 13.07.2017.
3. The matter has been considered in this Department and it has been decided that for reimbursement of Travelling Charges admissible under Daily Allowance on tour as mentioned in Para 2E(i) of OM dated 13.07.2017, condition of production of receipts / vouchers for officials in Pay Level 9 to 11, is done away with subject to furnishing of self-certification in which officials have to indicate the period of travel, vehicle Number etc.
4. In their application to the persons belonging to the Indian Audit & Accounts Department, this order is issued under Article 148(5) of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
5. This is issued with the approval of Secretary (Expenditure).
Hindi version is attached.
(Nirmala Dev)
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