As per GSPR 2018, No messenger service allowed for any closure of Account
Revised Specimen forms as per SB Order 35/2020 dtd 29.10.2020 are given below.
DDG Letter No.8-01/2016-Inv. dated 11.04.2019
Premature Closure of all post office schemes are allowed only in the presence of Depositor.
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (Investigation Section)
I am directed to convey the observation of competent authority made during a recent review meeting of Loss & Fraud cases held in Directorate on 27.03.2019. In some of the fraud cases committed in the past the modus operand adopted was premature closure of RD/MIS/TD Accounts without the knowledge of the depositors by making payments to agents or by crediting the amount to fake POSB Accounts. Therefore, the competent authority has desired that premature closure of RD/TD/MIS and other schemes may be allowed only if depositors are personally present. You are therefore requested to issue necessary instructions to all concerned to ensure this
SB Order 15/2010
No cash payment for the account closure by messenger
In exigency cases the Payment can be given to the messenger as Crossed Cheque only
Closure of Savings Account in Post Offices through Messenger:
SB Order 06/2007 - Acting of SAS/MPKBY/PPF agents as an agent or messenger of the depositor for the purpose of withdrawal of money in various saving schemes.
Agents can not act as an messenger of a depositor for the purpose of withdrawal from his/her savings bank account
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