Business services short notes
Business services short notes for all departmental exams
Business Services
Bill Mail Service
Communications in the nature of financial statements, bills, monthly account bills or any such other items of similar nature may be posted by a service provider to customers at least once in 90 days under this service.
The Bill Mail Service does not include communication in the nature of letter mail or having personal communication or exclusive commercial publicity material. Inclusions (those permitted under Direct Post) are permitted at Rs. 0.25 per insertion.
The minimum quantity of articles to be posted at a time is 5000. Rate of postage will be Rs 3.00 for a weight not exceeding 50 grams and Rs 2.00 for additional 50 grams or a fraction thereof. The customer is required to hand over Bill Mail, which is fully sorted pin code wise and bundled delivery post office wise at the identified Post OfficesThere is no credit facility.
Direct Post
With the increasing commercial activity in India, the need for Direct Advertising of their products and services by the business organizations is growing. Direct Mail, which can be defined as ‘printed matter usually carrying a sales message or announcement designed to elicit a response from a carefully selected consumer or business market’ is the most potent medium for Direct Advertising. Direct mail can be both addressed as well as un-addressed. Direct Post is the un-addressed component of Direct Mail, and would comprise of un-addressed postal articles like letters, cards, brochures, questionnaires, pamphlets, samples, promotional items like CDs/Pen Drives and Cassettes etc., coupons, posters, mailers or any other form of printed communication that is not prohibited by the Indian Post Office Act 1898 or Indian Post Office Rules 1933.
The Direct Post has been introduced by Department of Posts vide its OM no. 39-01/2001-BDD dated 2nd June 2005.
Conditions for availing Direct Post:
Only un-addressed postal articles like letters, cards, brochures, questionnaires, pamphlets, samples, promotional items like CDs/Pen Drives and Cassettes etc., coupons, posters, mailers or any other form of printed communication that is not prohibited by the Indian Post Office Act 1898 or Indian Post Office Rules 1933.
A minimum quantity of 1000 pieces can be accepted under the ‘Direct Post’.
Articles to be accepted have to be such that they do not exceed the length and width of an A3 size paper.
Articles posted as ‘Direct Post’ will bear no address or name on the communication. These will be accepted in bulk in designated offices and will not be posted in a letter box.
In case of articles meant for delivery in other towns, Direct Post articles would be accepted in PIN Code wise bundles.
The price for the Direct Post articles is as follows |
Per Article for 1st 20 grams |
Per article (for every additional 20 gramsor part thereof) |
Local |
Inter City |
Price of 1 Direct Post article |
INR 1.50 |
INR 2.00 |
INR 1.00 For both local and inter-city articles |
Where Direct Post articles are tendered in quantities of over 5000, a discount to the sender, or commission to the concerned advertising agency, of 5% would be admissible.
Retail Post
India Post can help your business grow through Retail Post
Through 'Retail Post' Department offers convenience to the general public by making third party products and services available in their vicinity through select Post Offices. Retail Post leverages the vast network of more than 150,000 Post Offices across the country.
Under Retail Post, a range of services are offered including the collection of electricity bills, collection of taxes, collection of other bills and fee for the Government etc. Further, under Retail Post, the Post Office sells application forms.The payment to the customer will be done through e-Payment according to the biller id.
The Post Office network is used to sell third party products and services like sale of application forms of various educational institutions and recruiting agencies, sale of Railway Reservation Tickets, sale of Rakhi envelopes, address verification service etc.
Post Offices are being transformed into a one stop shop to provide a range of utility services to the customers in association with third partner.
India Post Passenger Reservation System (PRS): In order to provide Railway Tickets at the doorstep of the public, Railway Reservation Tickets of all classes is booked at select Post Offices.
Media Post
India Post offers a unique advertisement concept to help the Indian corporate and the Government organizations reach potential customers through Media Post. No other medium can match the sheer expanse of India Post in terms of volume and reach. Media Post offers a range of advertising mediums such as Postal Stationery, Postal Premises etc.
Media |
Rate(per price) |
Advertisement space(in cms) |
Minimum order quantity |
Single Colour |
Multi Colour |
Post Card |
10 paise |
20 paise |
3*2.2 |
One million pieces for multi colour advertisements 0.5 million pieces for single colour advertisements |
Inland Letter Card |
15 paise |
30 paise |
9*2.5 |
Aerogramme |
20 paise |
40 paise |
4*5.5 |
Envelopes |
- |
30 paise |
9*2.5 |
Meghdoot PostCard |
- |
200 paise |
9*6.5 |
One Lakh pieces |
Money Order Forms |
10 paise |
- |
2*4.25 |
1 million |
Post Office savings pass books |
10 paise |
- |
9*2.25 |
0.5 million |
Business Post
Business Post provides complete mailing solutions right from mail preparation to mail delivery, ideal for small businesses as well as large companies.
Customers can choose from a range of cost-effective and professional mailing services, including collection of mail from customer premises, franking, inserting, sealing and addressing etc. to meet their specific business needs.
India Post has set up Business Post Centres in major cities specially to handle Business Post Consignments. Business Post services can also be set up in the customer’s premises where the mail volumes are very large.
Business Post offers a range of services at affordable rates
Internet and e-mail have revolutionized the world of communications. At the same time, accessibility to email continues to be a major problem for many people, especially in the rural areas. In its endeavor to make benefits of e-mail available to everyone and to bridge the digital divide, Department of Posts has introduced ePOST service.
Through ePOST, customers can send their messages to any address in India with a combination of electronic transmission and physical delivery through a network of more than 1,55,000 Post Offices. ePOST sends messages as a soft copy through internet and at the destination it will be delivered to the addressee in the form of hard copy
ePOST can also be availed by the corporate customers, by having a business agreement with India Post. Corporate customers will get special ePOST rates and other value additions
e-Post |
Tariff |
Retail |
Rs. 10/- per page of A4 size paper- when message is sent through Post Office. |
Corporate |
Rs. 6/- per page of A4 size paper |
Messages (Many to one) (The message will be delivered in recipient’s email box) - |
a) Rs 5/- per page of A4 size for the 1st sender |
Messages (One to many) (The message will be delivered in recipient’s email box) - |
a) Rs 5/- per page of A4 size for the first 10 recipients |
e-Payment is a smart option for businesses and organizations to collect their bills or other payments through Post Office network. When businesses require collection of bills and other payments from customers across the country, Post Office offers them a simple and convenient solution in the form of e-Payment.
e-Payment is a many-to-one solution which allows collection of money (telephone bills, electricity bills, examination fee, taxes, university fee, school fee etc.) on behalf of any organization. The collection is consolidated electronically using web based software and payment is made centrally through Cheque from a specified Post Office of billers choice.
The information and MIS regarding the payment can be had by the biller online. The MIS will contain the five fields of billers choice like name, telephone number, application number etc. The service is currently available through more than 14,000 Post Offices across the country.
There is no agency in the market today with a large reach and established trust as the Post Office where the public can comfortably deposit all their bills in their neighborhood.
Procedure for enrolling National and Circle Biller under e-Payment
Any organization can contact Chief Postmaster General of the concerned postal circle with their business proposal and filled-in Proforma for creation of biller id. Once the proposal is accepted, User id & Password and Biller Id Number will be generated through system and informed to the biller through e-mail automatically.
Present rates for e-Payment |
Amount |
Rate |
Up to Rs 1000 /- |
Rs 5/- |
Rs 1001 to 2500/- |
Rs 10/- |
Rs 2501/- to Rs 5000/- |
Rs 15/- |
Above 5000/- |
Rs 20/- |
Aadhaar Enrolment cum Updation
Mainly two (2) types of services are provided in Post Office Aadhaar Centres
o Aadhaar Enrolment:-The Enrolment process involves electronic capture of demographic and biometric information of the residents. The Aadhaar Enrolments are done free of cost in Post Offices
o Aadhaar Updation:- (i) Demographic Updation such as Name, Email ID, Mobile Number, Address, Date of Birth etc. (ii) Biometric Updations, facial image, 10 finger prints and Iris are updated through post offices. Aadhaar Updations are chargeable and a sum of Rs. 100/- (including 18% GST) is collected from the citizens for every Aadhaar Updation
13,352 Aadhaar Enrolment cum Updation Centres have been set up pan India Post to provide Aadhaar related services to the residents of India
India Post through selected Post Offices across the country makes Gangajal bottles available for the convenience of public. It is available on the online portals i.e. e-Commerce Portal and e-Postoffice Portal of Department
Size |
Source |
Post Office Counters(in Rs.) |
Online ePost Office Portal and e-Commerce Portal (in Rs.) |
250 ml |
Gangotri |
30.00 |
121.00 |
Pack of two bottles |
Gangotri |
- |
201.00(per pack) |
Pack of four bottles |
Gangotri |
321.00(per pack) |
Post Office Passport Seva Kendra (POPSK)
Department of Posts (DoP) and Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) have mutually agreed for leveraging the network of Post Office Passport Seva Kendras in order to provide passport services to citizens on a larger scale and to ensure wider area coverage for the benefits of the citizens
The facility has brought convenience to the general public in making passport services available in their vicinity through Post Offices and saved citizens from travelling long distances in order to obtain a Passport.
424 Post Office Passport Seva Kendras (POPSKs) have been set up across the country including 65 POPSKs in Aspirational Districts.
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