Provision of Jeevan Pramaan / Digital Life Certificate Services in Assisted Mode through IPPB

Provision of Jeevan Pramaan / Digital Life Certificate Services in Assisted Mode through India Post Payments Bank (IPPB)

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

Secretary (Postal Services Board) &
Deputy Director General (PBI)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Phone No: 011-23096178
Email Id:

D.O. No. 5-4/2019-PBI

Dated 27.10.2020

Dear Sir,

This is regarding the provision of Jeevan Pramaan / Digital Life Certificate Services in Assisted Mode through India Post Payments Bank (IPPB).

2. With reference to the ongoing engagement between IPPB and DoPPW for providing Jeevan Pramaan/Digital Life Certificate (DLC) Services through IPPB, we are delighted to inform you that IPPB has made provision for catering to pensioners in the Assisted mode for getting their Digital Life Certificate Services. In the initial phase, IPPB shall be providing these services at 100 locations in the country. From November 1, 2020, IPPB shall be enabling this service across the national network of DOP, which comprises of over 189,000 Postmen & Gramin Dak Sevaks, equipped with smartphones and biometric devices to provide Doorstep Banking Services for all IPPB services, including Assisted DLC services.

3. The Assisted DLC service can be availed by any pensioner irrespective of the Pension Disbursing Agency and shall be based on Aadhaar enabled biometric authentication in the DLC application developed by NIC. This service would increase the convenience for the pensioners and also reduce the Turn Around Time (TAT) of issuance of Jeevan Pramaan certificate.

4. We have attached a 1 pager service proposition which can be shared with all Central Government Ministries/ Departments for creating awareness amongst employees and pensioners. We are thankful to the assistance offered by your office in completion of this project and making the service live. Going forward, we seek your assistance in creating the awareness about the availability of the convenient and hassle-free services to the pensioners under the jurisdiction of the department through the following interventions:
  • Communication to all the Ministries/ Departments, including Railways and Defence, informing about the Assisted Jeevan Pramaan services of IPPB
  • Announcement about the IPPB Jeevan Pramaan service through social media of DoPPW
  • SMS intimation to pensioners’ database available with DoPPW
  • Communications to the Pensioner’s Associations to avail the benefit of the service from IPPB Postmen/Grameen Dak Sevaks.
5. Considering that the Model Code of Conduct is in-force in Bihar due to State Assembly Elections, Department had approached Election Commission for formal intimation/approval for start of the service across India (except Bihar). Consequently, the go-ahead has been received from Election Commission and the services are now being rolled out by IPPB in all states except Bihar. Your kind support is once again sought in disseminating the details of the service to all concerned so that Pensioners can benefit from this service.

With regards,

(Prannoy Sharma)


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