using CXFER in Finacle Software. Is rule allowed to do that?

Yes. As per CBS Manual Volume Rule No.26 Subsequent Deposits/Credits-Mode of Deposits/Credits > Sub Rule 3 Deposit by Transfer of funds: Transfer of amount from one Savings account to any other post office savings account using CXFER menu. Counter PA should ensure the deposit limit of the credit account.

Deposit by Transfer of funds: - If a depositor wants to deposit amount in his savings account by transfer of funds from any other savings account standing at any post office working on FINACLE CBS Software, he has to submit a withdrawal Form or POSB Cheque along with Pay-in-Slip. Counter PA has to follow the procedure laid down for allowing withdrawal from a savings account as laid down in relevant rule and then enter the savings account number mentioned in the Pay-in-slip in the relevant field after selecting the mode as TRANSFER using CXFER menu of CBS. This can be allowed if the amount sought to be transferred is within the limit prescribed from time to time in case of inter-sol transaction. Transaction ID generated by CBS should be noted on the right-hand corner of both withdrawal form or POSB Cheque and Pay-in-slip by counter PA and both vouchers should be handed over to Supervisor for verification. Supervisor through his/her login in CBS will see the transaction by using CXFER menu in CBS. If satisfied after following the procedure laid down for allowing withdrawal, transaction will be verified in the CBS application. If not satisfied, Supervisor can return the documents to the Counter PA for modification or supply of any additional information/document. He can even reject the transaction in the CBS Application.
He will return the documents to the Counter PA. Passbooks of both accounts if presented should be updated through the printer and handed over along with counter foil of the Pay-inslip duly signed and date stamped.


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