TVS Speed 40 Plus Passbook Printer All Lights Blinking [Solution]

Working Solution for TVS Speed 40 plus Passbook Printer All Lights Blinking problem.

TVS Speed 40 Plus Passbook Printer All Lights Blinking is a common problem which we face on a regular basis. 

Fortunately a very easy solution is available for TVS Speed 40 Plus PB Printer All Lights Blinking problem. To solve the TVS SP40+ Passbook Printer All Lights Blinking problem please follow the below steps.

  1. Power off the printer first.
  2. Now press the ST1 button and READY button together (ST1+READY). By keep pressing the ST1 and the READY button together, turn on the tvs speed 40 plus passbook printer
  3. At this moment the 4 LEDs will blink 4 times. Release the buttons ST1+READY immediately after 4 blinks.
  4. Now press the ST1 button. When you press the ST1 button - ST1 Light, READY light and EJECT light will start blinking.
  5. While the lights are blinking, again PRESS ST1 button. Now ST1 light, EJECT light, ST2 lights will start blinking.
  6. While the lights are blinking, again PRESS ST1 button. Now ST1 light, EJECT lights will start blinking.
  7. While the lights are blinking, again PRESS ST1 button. Now ST1 light and EJECT light will start blinking.
  8. While the lights are blinking, again PRESS ST1 button. Now READY light and EJECT light will start blinking.
  9. Now the printer is READY. Lights will keep blinking. Wait and put a sheet of paper.
  10. The paper goes in and comes out 3 times. This will take about 2 minutes. Wait till process is completed.
  11. After this paper will be printed and ejected automatically after printing.
  12. After the paper is ejected turn off the printer once and turn it on again.
That's it the problem is solved. The printer will now print normally. If you are not able to set the printer do the above steps and try again.


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