Savings Schemes and Certificate Sanctioning Authorities and Limits as per SB Order 31/2020

SB/SC Claim Sanctioning Authorities and their Limits as on 28.08.2020 (SB Order 31/2020)

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Sl No Authority National (Small) Savings Schemes i.e. all category
With Nomination Without Nomination Legal evidence
1 Sub-Postmasters of Time Scale Departmental SOs
Sub Postmasters of Lower Selection Grade Post Offices
No limit 10000 10000
2. Sub-Postmasters/Deputy Postmasters/ Postmasters of
Higher Selection Grade (all Non Gazetted) SOs and HPOs
No limit 25000 25000
If account/ certificate standing HSG-I Sub Post Offices.  MDGs/HO/GPO,
No limit
3. Senior Postmasters/Deputy Chief Postmasters/ Superintendent of Post Offices / Deputy Superintendent of Post Offices.
(All Gazetted Group-B HPOs and Divisions)
Chief Postmasters in GPO/Head Offices, Senior Superintendents of Post Offices
(All Gazetted Group-A HPOs and Divisions)
No limit 250000 No limit
4. Director HQ/Regional Directors/Director (GPO) Mumbai, Kolkata &New Delhi No limit 500000 No limit
*** If claim (No nomination/ No legal evidence) belongs to Sub Post Offices, MDG/HO/GPO (except HSG-I if supported by legal evidence) is beyond the sanction limit of respective SPMs/PMs, the claim will be forwarded to the Divisional Head concerned after Verifying all particulars and respective Divisional Heads will issue sanction for such claims within limit prescribed and in case the same is above the limit of Divisional Head, the claim will be forwarded to the concerned sanctioning authority ***
 Claim supported by Nomination Registered cases:-

The Postmasters of all Sub Offices/Head Office can sanction the claim of an Account/certificate where nomination is in force and registered in respective Post Office, irrespective of any limit in all National (Small) Savings Schemes.
 AII claims in respect of discontinued schemes will be sanctioned at respective Head Post Office. The concerned SPM will send claim form along with document to the concerned Head Post Office.

Claim supported by No Nomination cases:-
The power for sanctioning claims beyond Rs.10, 000 will be exercised personally by the Officers mentioned against items (ii) to (iv) of the Table.
        If claim belongs to Sub Post Offices, MDG/HO/GPO is beyond the sanction limit of respective SPMs/PMs, the claim will be forwarded to the Divisional Head concerned after Verifying all particulars and respective Divisional Heads will issue sanction for such claims within limit prescribed and in case the same is above the limit of Divisional Head, the claim will be forwarded to the concerned sanctioning authority. 
The claim supported by legal evidence for account/certificate standing at Time Scale,/LSG/HSG-ll sub post offices, the respective SPMs can sanction claim up to the limit prescribed for sanction of claim "where no nomination exists or no legal evidence produced" in table below in rule 4 (B). 
Claim supported by Legal Evidence cases:-
  The claim supported by legal evidence and where no nomination exists for account/certificate standing at Time Scale/LSG /HSGII sub post offices beyond the sanction limit of respective SPMs, those claims will be forwarded to the Divisional Head after verifying all particulars of claim and Divisional Head will issue sanction for such claims irrespective of any limit.
 The claim supported by legal evidence for account/certificate standing at HSG-I Sub Post Offices MDGs/HO/GPO, the respective SPMs/PMs/Sr.PM/CPM/Director can sanction claim irrespective of any limit in such cases.
 All claim submitted in respect of discontinued schemes will be sanctioned at respective HPO/GPO. The concerned SPM will send the claim form along with the documents to the concerned HO/GPO.

SL No Annexure Signed by Executed before
1. Letter of Indemnity Claimant, sureties, Witnesses Notary Public
2. Affidavit All legal heirs Including claimant Notary Public/ Oath Commissioner
3. Letter of disclaimer on Affidavit All legal heirs excluding claimant Notary Public/ Oath Commissioner
For Interest Eligibility:-
SL No Scheme Option
1. SB Up to the month preceding the month in which refund is made
2. RD 12 months and above as per table.
Up to 11 months  deposit made will be refunded 
3. TD For completed years interest applicable for completed years (CI), completed months SB rate of interest (SI).
4. MIS If claimed after maturity bonus/PMI is eligible.
Up to the month preceding the month in which refund is made
5. PPF Up to the month preceding the month in which refund is made
6. SCSS Up to date of death SCSS interest applicable after that SB interest is applicable.

Compiled by:- M.SIVAKUMAR, SM, ARNI HO-632301.  


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