Notes on Casual Leave and Special Casual Leave

Notes on CASUAL LEAVE & SPECIAL CASUAL LEAVE are given below which will be useful for your examinations


1. Casual leave can be combined with Special Casual Leave but not with any other kind of leave and joining time.
2. Sundays and Holidays falling during a period of casual leave are not counted as part of leave
3. Sundays/ public holidays/ restricted holidays / weekly offs can be prefixed /suffixed to casual leave.
4. Casual leave can be taken for half day also.
5. Casual leave should not normally be granted for more than five days at any one time.
6. Entitlement of casual leave per calendar year
(i) 8 days – For those entitled for 17 public holidays
(ii) 10 days – For those not entitled for 17 public holidays
7. Officials joining during the middle of a year may avail casual leave proportionately or the full period at the discretion of the competent authority.
8. Half-day’s casual leave will be debited for late attendance.


1. Special Casual Leave may be granted for maximum 10 days in respect of: (a) Participation in Inter-Ministerial and Inter-Departmental tournaments
(b) To physically disabled Central Government employees for participation in sports meets/tournaments organized by different State Governments
2. Special Casual Leave may be granted for maximum 15 days in respect of: Participation in dancing and singing competitions at Regional, National and International level.
Note: Special Casual Leave will not be admissible for practice for participation in cultural activities organized locally. 
3. Special Casual Leave may be granted for maximum 30 days in a calendar year: (a) Participating in mountaineering expeditions
(b) Participating in sports events of national and international importance
(c) Participating in trekking expeditions

Special Casual Leave for Family Planning:-

1. Male Central Government employees who undergo Vasectomy operation may be granted special casual leave not exceeding five working days.
2. One day special casual leave may be granted to women employees when their husbands undergo Vasectomy operation on the day of the operation.
3. Female Central Government employees who undergo Tubectomy operation may be granted special casual leave not exceeding ten working days.
4. Female Government servants who undergo Salpingectomy operation along with Medical Termination of Pregnancy and avail the facility of maternity leave for six weeks under Rule 43 will not be entitled to additional 10 working days of special casual leave.
5. Central Government employees who undergo operation for recanalization may be granted special casual leave up to a period of 21 days or actual period of hospitalization whichever is less.
6. Benefit of special casual leave cannot be allowed to casual labour with temporary status who undergo sterilization of their own or of their spouse.

Special Casual Leave for Union / Association activities:-

1. Special casual leave of not more than five days in a year may be granted to a member of Staff Side of JCM consultations. No TA /DA would be admissible.
2. One day special casual leave is granted for each meeting of the Departmental Council. One day’s duty period, on the day preceding the day of each meeting of the Departmental Council, for consultation, as this, will be treated as duty. No TA /DA would be admissible.
3. The office bearers of recognized Service Associations / Unions may be granted special casual leave for 20 days in a calendar year for participation in the activities of Associations.
4. Special casual leave up to 5 days in a calendar year would be admissible to local delegates and local members of the executive committees of recognized Associations 

Special Casual Leave for miscellaneous purposes:-

1. Special casual leave will not be admissible for departmental candidates for appearing open competitive examinations held by UPSC for direct recruitment.
2. Special casual leave will be granted to appear the proficiency test conducted by the Subordinate Service Commission for grant of advance increments to Stenographers (ordinary grade).
3. Heads of Department may grant special casual leave if the absence of individual concerned was entirely due to reasons beyond his control such as failure of transport or disturbances, curfew and bandh etc.
4. When a Central Government employee is residing, and is entrolled as voter in a particular constituency, may be employed in any office located at some place. He may be granted special casual leave, if his office is not happened to be closed on that particular day, to enable him to exercise his franchise.
5. Special casual leave may be granted for training and duty as members of officially sponsored Auxiliary Police organization such as Home Guards.
6. Special casual leave may be granted for donating blood to recognized Blood Bank on working day (for that day only).
7. Central Government employees with disabilities may be granted special casual leave for four days in a calendar year of specific requirements relating to the disability of the official. 
8. Special casual leave for a period not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year is eligible to be granted for which one of the below activities (while for other activities listed below, the maximum eligible period will be either 10 or 15 days)
(a) Participation in mountaineering expeditions
(b) Participation in Inter-Ministerial and Inter-Departmental tournaments
(c) To physically disabled Central Government employees for participation in sports meets/tournaments organized by different State Governments
(d) Participation in dancing and singing competitions at National or International level.

Answer: (a) Participation in mountaineering expeditions (IP 2019)
[Appendix III (Special casual leave) Para A (4) (1) of CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972] 

Note: The Instant Money Order (iMO) Service is discontinued with effect from 14.07.2020 vide DOP Letter No 3-6/2015-PO dated 20.07.2020

Best wishes!
Retired SPOs,
Cell 9443329681


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