India Post CSC Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for delivery of citizen centric services through CSC Portal from Post Offices (Indiapost) and Cash Management between DOP & CSC-SPV
1. Indiapost CSC Introduction
1.1. This document provides the basic understanding of the Cash Management, User Management and Operating and reporting processes to be followed at all Departmental Post offices and other offices in connection with delivery of citizen centric services through the Indiapost CSC portal, and for settlement and reconciliation of transactions between Common Service Centre- Special Purpose Vehicle (CSC-SPV) and Department of Posts (DOP).
1.2. The document covers the business processes to be followed at the Nodal Office and linked India Post Offices which are identified to operate transactions through CSC portal, thereby enabling them to undertake cash transactions on behalf of the customers and settle the cash payments, cash reconciliation aided at multiple levels and handling of disputes, if any at the central level.
2. India Post CSC Version Control
04.2020 -- V1.0 -- CSC Operations & Cash Management SOP
06.2020 -- V1.1 -- Para 7 regarding Accounting modified
3. System Overview
3.1.Post offices will carry out the transactions through the Digital Seva Portal of CSC (DSP). For the purpose, Indiapost CSC will make available the DSP for Department of posts to facilitate
a. User management for DOP users
b. E-Wallet Management
c. Reporting framework and Data Settlement
3.2. Indiapost CSC SPV will develop and maintain the DSP platform for Department of Post users. The integrated services can be availed by the customers through the network of DOP users. The DOP users will make the payment for all the transactions through CSC Pay, a common payment gateway platform developed by CSC SPV.
4. User Management -How to add new CSC Operators in CSC Portal
4.1. Sansad Marg HO will be the Nodal Office for all Indiapost CSC operations. One designated official from the Nodal Office, i.e. from Sansad Marg HO will be identified as DOP Master Admin (DMA) and will be registered as DOP Master administrator in the CSC portal.
To on-board DMA, the required information for registration will be submitted to the Indiapost CSC. Post verification, DMA will receive the DSP login credentials via e-Mail.
4.1. DMA will further create Sub Admins and Operators in the initial stage and later Operator creation in remaining CSC-POs will be done by Sub Admins after CSC makes available the user management module for DOP. Till such time DMA will be creating Operators.
4.2. Following are the operator management functions available with the DOP Administrators in DSP
a) "Add"- to add an operator by providing the information as displayed on the form.
b) "De-Activate"- to de-activate an operator.
(Post deactivation, the operator would not be able to do transactions) c) "Suspend"- to suspend the operator.
(Once the operator is suspended, he/she cannot be activated again.)
d) Add balance to the Master e-Wallet.
e) Add/Revoke funds allocated to the Operators.
f) View and manage operator level MIS reports.
4.3. On successful registration, the Operators will get username and password to login in the DSP. Each user will be prompted to set a wallet pin on initial login. In case, a user has forgotten the password, the password reset functionality will trigger a reset link to the registered email address (this could be either personal or official email address).
4.4. The Counter User/Operator created by the DOP Admins will have the following abilities:
a) Ability to transact on the Digital Seva Portal interface.
b) Ability to pull or return money from/into the DOP’s main wallet subject to within the limits/timings fixed. - (time limits will be put in place at a later stage) c) View and manage operator level MIS reports.
5. Cash/Wallet Management
5.1. DMA will be holding rights to add funds to the Master e-Wallet (MeW) and allocate them to the counter users. An advance amount will be credited in the Master e- Wallet(MeW) by DOP through the Nodal Office, for enabling the identified Post Offices to transact in the Indiapost CSC portal.
The balance to be kept in the MeW will be regulated within the limits fixed and with reference to the daily transaction history available in MIS reports. Nodal Office will increase or decrease the Wallet balance within the fixed limits, after reviewing the fund flow.
Nodal Office should also ensure that funds are not lying idle in the MeW or in the Sub e-Wallets(SeW) of linked Post offices. For this purpose, Nodal Office will push wallet cash to linked PO CSC counters at the day begin and pull back balance amount at the day end.
5.2. The following modules will be available in the e-Wallet maintenance module:
5.2.1. Wallet top-up mechanism: How to add balance to CSC e Wallet
Money will be added to the wallet through the NEFT/RTGS options, after following the prescribed procedures in this regard, by Sr. PM, Sansad Marg HPO. Post acknowledgement of the credit to CSC’s Account, CSC SPV will credit the transferred amount to the Master e- Wallet (MeW).
5.2.2. There are other modes as shown below for adding money to the wallet which will be adopted by the Nodal Office only after getting specific approval from competent authority.
a) Money can be added through the Payment Gateway mode using the Debit card, Credit card or the Net Banking facility.
b) Money can be added to the wallet through the NEFT option. DOP Admin will need to preload the wallet using the unique account details communicated at the time of registration.
c) Following details would be required to complete the payment via NEFT/RTGS –
Beneficiary Name Mode of Payment
Beneficiary Account Number Beneficiary IFSC Code
5.3. Balance Transfer/Revoke functionality:
a) The DMA will allocate funds to the on-boarded operators from the MeW and they will be able to perform transactions using the wallet pin.
b) Conversely, operators will be able to return money to the MeW in case excess funds are available.
c) All payment related actions will be authenticated by entering wallet pin after using the Connect credentials thus ensuring two-factor authentication.
d) Before any operator is relieved from CSC duties, it will be ensured by the head of office that the amount lying in the wallet against the concerned user ID is revoked.
6. Data Exchange & MIS Reporting - How to generate reports in CSC
6.1. The reporting module will display custom reports providing an overall view of the portal usage and transaction summary for each DOP user.
6.2. The following reports will be made available in the formats annexed to this SoP:
a) Wallet Reports: DMA will be able to view reports on overall top up, funds transferred to DOP counter users and funds revoked from the counter user.
b) Transaction Reports: The report will provide the details about the transactions carried on the platform by the DOP counter users including the GST break up for accounting and reconciliation settlement purposes.
c) Operator wise Report: The report will provide the details about the balance available with each operator and the successful transactions done by the operator on daily basis.
d) Login details of Master Admins as well as Operators. (to be implemented at a later stage)
6.3. The daily transaction data will be synchronised between DSP and CSI module of DOP periodically, the periodicity will be decided by CSC and DOP based on the transaction volume and transaction time. The data synchronisation will be done via SFTP between DSP and CSI module of DOP.
7. Accounting
7.1. Nodal Office
7.1.1. The total figures of CSC collections, DOP share of revenue, Amount remitted to CSC, and GST will be taken under the relevant GL codes on daily basis, from the data transferred to DOP by CSC through SFTP. Nodal Office will reconcile the daily figures from MIS reports.
7.1.2. For the purpose, CSC will forward daily summary of CSC transactions from Digital Seva Portal and CEPT will forward daily list of CSC collections as per CSI data to Sansad Marg HO.
7.1.3. Sr. PM, Sansad Marg HO will check and confirm that the total amounts transferred to CSC, DOP Commission and reversals shown in both the above reports tally with each other.
7.1.4. Sr. PM, Sansad Marg will also check and confirm that the deductions and credits in the CSC Wallet tallies daily with the transaction/reversal/credit amounts and ensure that the balance held in the Wallet at the end of the day is correct.
7.1.5. Sr. PM, Sansad Marg will submit Daily report on CSC Transactions in the proforma annexed.
7.2. CSC-POs
7.2.1.Every day at EOD, all users will download their Wallet ledger (Passbook->Wallet Ledger Select date->Download CSV). A printout of the same will be taken and handed over to the Treasurer along with entire collection for the day (including DOP commission).
7.2.2.CSC-POs should not do any manual postings of CSC transactions. The data is synchronized between Indiapost CSC and CSI modules automatically. There can be delay in the Indiapost CSC transaction figures getting reflected in the Daily Transaction and other reports of CSI due to various issues that may arise during synchronization, but this will be taken care by CSC and CEPT and the data will be reflected after the rectification. In no case there should be any manual intervention in this.
8. Transactions, Billing and Invoicing
8.1. Every transaction on the portal will be based on a pre-defined service charge structure, as per the commercials set for the service in use and based on the revenue sharing agreement between Indiapost CSC and DOP as per MoA.
8.2. MIS reports will display information containing the following parameters:
a) Total transaction amount: This is the amount to be paid by the end customer. Operators will collect this for every transaction carried out on DSP.
b) GST: A monthly invoice will be raised at the end of the month based on the successful transactions done through DSP
URL of Indiapost CSC Portal =
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