Features :
1. Only counter services are to be franchised, while delivery and transmission will continue to be through the Department. Linking arrangements for the franchised outlets will be provided by the franchises
2.The franchise will provide service across the counter for a minimum defined time schedule with flexibility to work round the clock.
3. Products and services offered :
(i) Sale of stamps and stationery (including phitatelic items);
(ii) Booking registered articles, speed post articles, money orders (on EDBO model), e-post, etc. Bulk booking of registered/speed post articles are allowed without any limit. No rebate for bulk booking of speed post articles will be admissible over and above the commission payable to the franchisees as applicable from time to time. However, the franchisees will not do bulk booking from BNPL customers.
Further, Link Post Offices should report any cases of heavy bulk bookings to the HO. The HO would send a report to the Divisional Office.
The Divisional Office will then alert the Marketing Executives in the Speed Post Centres etc. to make efforts to bring such customers into the fold of the BNPL Scheme of the Department.
The restriction imposed by the Department regarding bulk booking on the outsourcing agents would also be applicable to the franchisees for bulk booking.
(iii) Franchise outlets will not book any money order for a value less than Rs.100./-
(iv) Functioning as a direct agent for PLI and provide related aftersales service, including collection of premia. (subject to fulfillment of criteria for PLI agents);
(v) Marketing products for which the Department has a corporate agency or tie-up and provide related follow up services (subject to agreement with the other organizations involved);
(vi) Providing retail including sale of revenue stamps and CRF stamps and bill/telephone bill collection/payment services of the Department (subject to agreement with the other organizations involved);
(vii) Facilitating the provision of e-governance and citizen centric services (subject to agreement with the other organizations involved);
(viii) Any other service introduced by the Department in future through its outlets which is considered amenable to the franchlse model (subject to agreement with the other organizations involved).
The model has adequate flexibility built in to allow a range of services to be extended through the outlets according to the need / demand, and to increase the range when found necessary.
Thus, the range of counter services that can be offered through different outlets can vary, keeping in view the its capacity to generate revenues.
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