Common MIS Dashboard of CEPT

Common MIS Dashboard of CEPT

1. Introduction:

1.1. Currently, there are multiple websites that provide MIS reports pertaining to Legacy applications such as PMA, SpeedNet, ParcelNet, IPS Monitoring etc.,

Additionally, CEPT has been providing information/reports to the Directorate/Circles/Regions/Divisions for monitoring various operations done in CSI/CBS/PLI/RICT either through eMails/Websites etc., To view these reports, different URLs are to be used with separate logins for each.

1.2. In order to avoid multiple websites/logins and to have uniformity in Look and Feels and also in the Mater data of offices/users, a Single MIS Dashboard has been conceptualized and CEPT has completed the Phase-I of this Common MIS Dashboard. This MIS Dashboard will ensure that all the MIS reports being provided by CEPT can be accessed at a single place and without remembering
multiple login credentials.

2. Accessing Common MIS Dashboard:
2.1. The MIS Dashboard can be accessed at the URL :

2.2. As PMA dashboard is being widely used by all Administrative offices, the same login credentials are inherited for the accessing the MIS Dashboard.

2.3. Certain reports can be viewed directly by going to the above URL, whereas certain reports can only be viewed providing login credentials (as being done now).

2.4. Once a User logs in with his authorized credentials (Dte/Circle/Region/ Division login etc), the same credentials will be taken for entire navigation and hence no need to provide the details again for viewing other module’s reports.

3. Reports that are currently available :
3.1. Reports are categorised under different menus such as MailNet, IPS, CBS, PLI, Service Requests.

3.2. MailNet is the new term used for all kinds of Mail related reports i.e., PMA/SpeedNet/ParcelNet/RegisterNet Reports. Under the MailNet option, all the reports that were available in PMA Website can be viewed along with Legacy Booking, Legacy Delivery Reports etc (Booked/Delivered through SpeedNet, RegisterNet and ParcelNet).

3.3. IPS Reports include the IPS KPI reports being monitored through VCs

3.4. CBS, PLI reports include the reports/information being shared by CEPT to various administrative units for the purpose of monitoring the operations in Finacle/McCamish

3.5. Service Request option displays all the Service Requests as was available in PMA Wesbite (COVID option). All the requests received through Postinfo Mobile App can be monitored using this option.

3.6. Other Links option provides the URL links to other Websites, so that all DoP’s Website links are available at one point.

4. CBS Reports :

4.1. These are newly developed reports, which were being exchanged through eMails.
4.2. Currently, below mentioned 4 daily reports are made available:
  • Detailed Summary,
  • DBT Reports,
  • Internet and Mobile Banking A/c Report,
  • Product Wise Account Report
4.3. All these reports can be viewed without logging in.

5. Please be informed that

5.1. This MIS Dashboard does not include the BI/MIS Reports available in CSI/CBS/PLI/RICT, but limited to the MIS reports developed and hosted by CEPT.

5.2. Certain reports are specific to individual circles like UHBVN Customer Reports etc., which will be available only after logging in by the respective circles.

5.3. This MIS Dashboard is strictly restricted to MIS Reports only. Hence all the Websites where Operational flow/Data Capturing etc., are involved like COD Monitoring/RICT Device Management/Parcel Directorate Monitoring etc., will continue to be accessed through the existing URLs. 


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