SB Order 31/2020 : Addendum - Clarification on physical presence of witnesses at the time of acceptance of deceased claim case
e.F. No. 113-02/2019-SB
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated :- 16.09.2020
Subject:- Clarification on physical presence of witnesses at the time of acceptance of deceased claim case.
To,All Head of Circles/Regions,
Kindly refer to the SB Order No. 31/2020, issued vide this office letter of even number dated 28.08.2020 on the settlement of deceased claim cases. This office has been receiving various representations from nominee/claimant that post offices are insisting for physical presence of two witnesses at the time of acceptance of deceased claim case.
2. This issue has been examined in detail and accordingly, I am directed to clarify that the physical presence of witnesses is not required, if self attested photocopy of ID/Address proof of witnesses containing signature of the witness concerned are produced along with other claim documents.
3. ID and Address proof of witnesses may be taken as prescribed in KYC master circular issued vide SB Order 14/2012 and GSPR-2018. A list is enclosed for ready reference.
4. It is requested that this clarification may be circulated to all concerned including CBS/non¬CBS Post Offices to avoid public inconvenience.
5. This issues with approval of the Competent Authority.
(Devendra Sharma)
Assistant Director (SB-II)
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